Part 5: A Night in the Palace of Justice pt. 1

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Despite the heavy rain, Frollo and Thalia leave Notre Dame and head for the Palace of Justice.

Once they arrive there, Frollo leads Thalia to his living quarters. Along the way, many guards stare in confusion at the young lady attending the dreadful old minister. Some believed she was Frollo's niece or daughter, which was easily dismissed since no one so beautiful and kind could be related to someone so cruel and cold-hearted. Others say she is his personal maid or possibly his personal plaything.

The guards kept their eyes on them as Frollo allow Thalia to enter his quarters first. He then glares back threateningly at the guards, who quickly pretends to be busy with their work and whistle innocently in their goofy manner. Frollo sneers at them before following after Thalia and closing his door.

They removed their wet cloaks and hang them by the fire, which was already set up by one of the servant boys here. Frollo then said, "I will fetch you a new set of clothes for you, my dear. In the meantime, stay by the fire."

"Yes, master," replied Thalia before letting out a sneeze and shivers.

Thalia goes to the fire to get herself warmed up while Frollo went to prepare their clothes. After changing out of his wet clothes Frollo brews a fresh batch of tea. While the tea heats up Frollo goes through his wardrobe to find Thalia's new clothes. He had bought a spare set in case Thalia ever stays here, but for other reasons than being soaked in the rain.

The old minister stares at Thalia's clothes for a moment, both imagining and recalling.

Frollo shakes his head and throws away his blasphemous thoughts before leaving his room. He comes out with the folded clothes when he stops and gazes at Thalia's petite form. The blazing fire spreads its warmth to the calm Thalia, who holds her hands up to receive and waits patiently. Frollo's beady eyes focus only on the girl and her trembling body: her soaking, dark hair drapes over her shoulders, covering her delicate white skin. Yes, delicate, thought Frollo as he clenches her new clothes, she needs warmth. She needs me.

Frollo approaches Thalia, who turns back and naively smiles at him. "Thank you, master."

"Not at all, my dear," replied Frollo smoothly with a lie. "I was going to give you these as presents, but you can't stay in those wet clothes. Go and change, and then we'll have tea."

"Of course, master!" chirped Thalia.

Thalia takes her new clothes and goes to a room to change.

"So close," said Frollo in a low voice after she left. "I could almost smell her scent."

Frollo restrains himself yet was about to take a step forward towards Thalia's room when the tea starts whistling loudly. It broke Frollo's trance and quickly he flees to the kitchen both grateful yet spiteful.

Thalia removes her wet clothes and changes into her new ones: a warm simple gown of lavender, white cozy lace stockings, and matching slippers with gold stitches. Surprised by how accurate the clothes fit Thalia was pleased. However, she glances at the nightgown on her bed and stares at it shyly. It was just a simple nightgown with a wide collar, but she realizes she would be spending the night with Frollo.

"Surely it isn't going to be raining the whole day, is it?" asked Thalia to herself unsure.

She slowly becomes self-conscious at her position and touches the soft fabric of her nightgown before jumping at the sound of Frollo's voice.

He knocks outside and calls, "Thalia, are you dressed? Tea is ready, child. Come join me by the fire."

"Y-Yes, master!" called Thalia.

Frollo returns to the fireplace and puts the tea tray down on the table beside his chair. He hears Thalia's door open and turns around and smirks at her. Thalia blushes nervously and plays with her fingers a bit before joining Frollo by the fire. She felt Frollo's eyes examining her and his voice comes smoothly like a snake playing with his prey.

"You are enchanting, my dear," comment Frollo as his long fingers held her chin. "It suits you well."

"T-thank you, master," said Thalia meekly.

Frollo chuckles darkly before removing his boney fingers away and serves Thalia her tea. Thalia sits by the fire mostly to keep her distance from her "kind" master and avoiding the awkwardness. Frollo took a sip of his tea and watches Thalia's actions: her unusual quiet state, her nervous eyes glancing back and forth, and her stiffness whenever she caught Frollo's sight. He raises a brow before placing his cup down.

"My child," said Frollo, making Talia squeak, "Whatever is the matter with you. Do you have a cold?"

Thalia answers nervously, "I-I am fine, master."

"Do not lie to me, child," said Frollo firmly like how a father would. "You're usually so chatty before. Why is today any different?"

"W-Well, I . . . I've never been in your home before, master," said Thalia still uncertain. "I guess I don't want to overstep my boundaries?"

Frollo looks at her unconvinced before waving his hand to her. "Come closer, child."

Thalia swallows a bit and knew she couldn't disobey. So she stands up from the floor and goes to Frollo and kneels beside him. He place his boney hand on top of her, which made her blush more.

"My dear, you are my guest, but nothing has changed," said Frollo cunningly and strokes Thalia's hand. "You are still you and I me. You have nothing to worry about when you are alone with me."

Convinced, Thalia smiles relieved, and nods at his words obediently.

A blast of thunder and a strike of lightning booms together outside their window. Thalia flinches and suddenly grips tightly to Frollo's hand and hides her face on the side of his lap. Frollo was caught off guard but smirks venomously at this advantage. He moves his hand and gently strokes Thalia's head while meticulously using comforting words to her.

"There, there, Thalia," said Frollo warmly in his cold manner. "Don't be afraid. I am here."

Thalia looks up at Frollo and grips his pant sleeve tightly. She stammers, "F-F-Forgive me, master . . . I-I-It startled me . . . I'm not really like this during storms."

"It is fine, my dear," said Frollo. "You may stay like this if you wish."

Thalia felt safe as she rests her head on Frollo's lap and clings to him like a fearful child. Frollo continues his act while gently patting his dear lady. Soon Thalia fell asleep from the sounds of the fire cracking and the rain falling outside. Frollo stares down at her innocent sleeping face before leaning down to kiss her cheek. He slowly presses his lips on her rosy cheeks and savors her soft skin.

He parts and whispers, "I shall have you soon, my dear . . . Very soon."

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