Part 9: Budding Temptress

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Frollo takes Thalia back to the Palace of Justice, and while she did hold on to his arm willingly Frollo's grip tightens on her hand as if fearing she would run off again. His bony hand never left her own, making her wince with every step.

When they returned, Frollo closes his door and release Thalia. She rubs her reddened hand with her head guiltily low. Frollo narrows his beady eyes on her and crosses his arms like a disapproving father.

"Well? What do you have to say for yourself?" said Frollo irritably.

"I'm sorry, master," apologized Thalia.

"For what?"

"For breaking the rules."

"Exactly," said Follo, who rubs his temples and took a seat at the table. "Why can't you see that I am protecting you, Thalia? Have I not taught you well enough? The world is cruel and will take advantage of you, child!"

Thalia remains silent as she twiddles with her thumbs. Frollo let out an exhausting sigh and turns to look at her. Thalia indeed looked pitiful but Frollo was expecting a bigger reaction from her. He thought she would throw a tantrum, argue back, and scoff. However, she didn't do any of that.

Frollo didn't mind too much about it and sighs again. "Thalia, you know I say this because I worry for you. It's far too dangerous out there for someone like you."

"Yes, master," repleid Thalia.

Thalia glanced at Frollo and knew he was tired from his work. She hesitates, before going to the kitchen. "Let me make you some tea, master. To make up and also take care of you from work. You must be stressed after today."

"Thank you, my dear. I definitely need it," said Frollo as he relax for a moment.

Thalia prepares the kettle and places it over the fire before looking back at Frollo. She finally notices his exhaustion and was curious about his work. However, she felt a little awkward with him now and felt no right to speak. And yet, she had to try to act normal.

After the tea was ready, Thalia set up their cups on the table and brings the kettle. She pours Frollo's cup before hers and sits across from him. In a way, this moment reminded her of Frollo's visits to her cottage and how innocent she was then. Thalia glanced up at Frollo, who took a sip of his tea and relaxes more.

The silence was needed for Frollo, but Thalia didn't want him to get too suspicious of her behavior. She gets up from her seat and around the table. Thalia goes to Frollo and gets on her knees and clings to his lap. Frollo almost spilled his tea, his wrinkled cheeks reddening, and his body stiffens.

"Thalia! What is the meaning of this?!" demanded Frollo.

"Oh, master. Please forgive me for disobeying you," said Thalia as she buries her face on the side of Frollo's lap. "I just wanted to go out more. Even spend time with you whenever you're free. Please, don't be mad anymore."

Frollo stares down at Thalia and her sudden gesture, but sighs heavily and gives in. He placed his hand on her back and rubs it softly. Thalia had to control herself from flinching while Frollo speaks.

"I'm not mad, Thalia," said Frollo. "Today's been a stressful day for me."

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better, master?" asked Thalia as she looks up at Frollo and bat her pretty blue eyes.

Thalia then noticed Frollo react slightly with a stiffened look and his hand freezing in place. She couldn't help but blush a bit herself.

"Thalia," began Frollo, "you've done enough for me. Now go to your room. I'll take you back to the cottage later, so be prepared."

"But---!" Thalia was about to protest when Frollo stops her.

"I know you wish to do more here in town, but remember, child. You only stayed because of the heavy storm last night. I still intend to keep you away from those cretins of the streets."

Thalia did want to explore more and felt like her fun was ruined by a variety of things. However, the image of Quasimodo's frightened face came to mind and Thalia didn't want to leave him defenseless. Besides, there was also that gypsy woman and Clopin, who seems to recognize her. Thalia felt a nagging feeling at the back of her mind and the urge to stay.

Frollo stares down at Thalia and her beautiful white neck which was exposed from her parting hair. He leans in slowly to say, or perhaps do something, when a guard knocked at his door.

"Judge Frollo, we have a report regarding that gypsy from this morning!"

Frollo cursed under his breath, which barely, just barely reached Thalia's skin on the back of her neck. She shivers as she lets go of him and he gets up from his chair.

"I'll be out in a moment!" called Frollo with authority, before turning to Thalia and speaks softly. "Do not leave this room, understand, Thalia?"

"Yes, master. I promise," said Thalia.

Frollo helps Thalia up, holding her tender, young hands a moment longer. He then turns and heads for the door when he paused in place. He turns back to Thalia and smirks a bit. "We're forgetting something, my dear."

Thalia tilts her head a bit lost, but then she remembers and blushes. She nods to him before walking over to Frollo and place a kiss on his cheek. Why does she not feel disgusted when she does this? Thalia imagines she should after today, and yet there was almost a heated feeling deep in her heart. She removes her lips from Frollo's cheek and stares up at him in a certain way.

He merely smiles down at her, a fatherly smile, as he pats her head. "I shall return as soon as possible. If I'm back late, hopefully not, you may have dinner without me."

"Yes, master."

Thalia watches Frollo leave and closes the door, leaving her once again alone. She stands in place, almost frozen, while the moment lingers longer in her mind. A new thought came, making Thalia wonder more. The thought made her quiver and twitch in her lower regions.

"Do I . . . Do I want master to touch me?"

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