Part Three

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Notes: Written along side @mirabel_madrigal_

It had been all day and no one had been able to find Mirabel. They were all starting to get incredibly worried.

Camilo was shifting almost twice a minute, much to his disliking.

"Guys, I think it's time we tell everyone else that Mirabel is missing." Dolores said. "We haven't been able to find her all day."

"Tía Julieta isn't going to be very happy."

Dolores shook her head. She then thought of something. "It's already dark out... Maybe we should tell Tía Julieta and everyone else in the morning...?"

Isabela shook her head, thinking that waiting until the morning was not a great idea, but she remained silent to see what Luisa and Camilo had to say about it.

Luisa frowned. "We need to keep searching or at least tell the grown ups what is going on."

Camilo played with his fingers, shifting her again. "I'm scared."

Dolores looked at her cousins then at her little brother.

Isabela spoke up, "plus, a lot can happen in one night. If we wait any longer to tell everyone else, that just wastes more time we could be looking for her, and what if she's hurt? We can't risk it."

Luisa nodded. "I'll tell and you guys keep looking."

Dolores nodded. "Sí."

"That's a good plan." Camilo nodded. "L-let's go."

"Don't worry, Camilo. We'll find her." Isabela said to her cousin.

"I know. We have to."

Luisa ran off to tell the adults. "Mamá! Papá!"

"¿Sí, Luisa?" Agustín questioned as his daughter entered the house.

"Mirabel's missing."

Agustín looked at his wife worriedly.

"What do you mean she's missing?"

"We've been looking all day and we can't find her. Camilo wanted to hang out, cause I think those two have been drifting apart and he wants to repair their relationship, but he said he looked downstairs. She wasn't there so he checked if she was still asleep, but she wasn't in her room and some of her stuff was gone."

Agustín grew concerned about his youngest daughter. "And you're only telling us about this now?"

"We didn't want to worry you cause we thought she was somewhere in the town, but we haven't found her."

Agustín tried to calm himself down by taking a deep breath. "Okay." He turned to his wife. "Julieta, what do we do?!"

"We search until we find her."

"And where's Isabela?" Agustín asked Luisa, just to make sure another one of his daughters wasn't missing.

"She, Camilo, and Dolores are still out there looking."

"Okay. We might as well go join them then. The more of us looking means the more likely we are to find her." Agustín said.

That's when Pepa descended the stairs. "What's going on here?" She looked at Julieta.

"Mirabel's missing."

"What?!" A small cloud started to form above Pepa's head.

"Mirabel's missing. The kids have been looking all day."

"Oh no! We have to go out and look for her!" Pepa said, expressing concern for her missing niece.

Julieta nodded. "Go get Félix and Bruno."

Pepa nodded and ran back up the stairs to find Félix.

"Félix!" Pepa said, running up to Félix.

"Sí, mi amour?"

"Mirabel's missing!" Pepa said, the cloud above her head starting to sprinkle a little.


"Sí, she's been missing all day!"

"That's awful!"

"Sí, we have to help find her!"

Félix nodded. "Sí."

The two heard a loud thump then a groan. Pepa turned her head around quickly to figure out what the sound was.


"Bruno?" Pepa questioned.

He nodded. "Sí."

"Where did you come from?" Pepa looked around.

"Uhhhh." Pepá looked at him. He sat up and dusted his green poncho. "No where?"

"Let me guess. You were in the walls again and just fell out of the hole behind that painting?" Pepa pointed to the painting on the wall right next to them.

He nodded. "Maybe."

Pepa still had a raining cloud over her head. "You know what? It doesn't matter."

"We've gotta find Mirabel."

"Sí." Pepa nodded. "Let's go."

Bruno stood up and started going down the stairs. Pepa and Félix walked down the stairs as well. They all left to search for Mirabel.

Camilo was with his cousins and sister. He tried to suggest checking the mountains.

"She wouldn't have gone that far." Isabela insisted.

"She could've."

"I know my baby sister, she wouldn't have gone that far."

He huffed. "Could we please just check?"

Isabela sighed. "Okay, you know what? We'll check around the mountains, but there is absolutely no way she would've actually climbed the mountains."

Camilo nodded, shifting into Mirabel. "Good."

Isabela started walking in the general direction towards the mountains, Camilo following closely.

Dolores and Luisa said they would keep searching the town.

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