Part Six

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Notes: Written along side @mirabel_madrigal_

Camilo had left just after dinner, deciding to do something he never thought he would be able to. He made quick progress up the mountain.

He was determined to find his cousin, even if it meant facing one of his biggest fears.

There was always something that stopped him to go out, even thought it sounded like a fun idea until they got to the mountains.

He wasn't sure exactly what it was that stopped him every time. But he needed to find his cousin.

He was worried about her and he just wanted to know she was safe and he wanted to bring her home.

"Mirabel?!" He called out once he got to the top. No answer. He kept calling out for her and getting no response.

He started to think about all the possible scenarios of where she could be and what could've happened to her.

He kept walking and calling out for him. He felt closer to tears with each step. "Mirabel?!"

He still got no response. His concern was growing by the second.

Eventually, near dusk, he got to the base and promptly tripped, his ankle twisting in a weird and painful way and he landed on his arm in the wrong way. He winced in pain.


Still no response. He knew that if she did come this way, she was long gone by now.

His cheeks were wetted by his tears of pain. "Mirabel?"

No answer. He was all alone. His cousin was nowhere to be found.

He slowly stood up, wincing in pain. "Sh-t on a stick."

He didn't know what to do now. Should he turn back to go get help for his injuries? Should he continue movie forward to look for his cousin? Should he stay there and wait for someone to find him? He didn't know.

He looked at the tall mountain. His face paled and he tried to step back. He knew he needed help, but there was no way he could make it back over the mountain in his condition.

He looked around for anywhere to sit down, but he couldn't find anywhere that he could properly rest his foot. "Okay. Uhm, what now...?"

He was starting to think he should've never tried to climb that mountain by himself. Fear bubbled up inside of him and anxiety showed. Something was different though. He wasn't shifting like crazy, despite how anxious he was, which was weird.

He stared at his foot, shaking. "This was a bad idea."

He wasn't sure what to do. He should have never gone out there alone. He wished Mirabel was there with him. He hoped she was okay, wherever she was.

He hoped she was doing better than he was.

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