Chapter 10

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Some lines are taken from the anime

Hitoshi POV

I woke up squished between Hisoka and Illumi. It's as predicted. "Hey, wake up." I said nudging the two.

"Morning kitten~ why didn't you join us last night?" Hisoka mumbled.

"Didn't want to interrupt, you two needed to sort things out and you did. Although I did say to use your words not your bodies, but I can't complain."

"You could never interrupt Hitoshi." Illumi stated, "Now go back to sleep, it's only 7:30."

"Yeah, no, while I slept better tonight than I have in a while I do have to get dressed and we have to finish the exam."

"Five more minutes." they said in unison.

"You two are normally up at 5 or 6 in the morning, there is no reason for you to sleep more."

"But you smell good." Hisoka explained.

"Well, yeah, I mean I took a shower. Now get up."

They still didn't move. The two had their arms draped over me, I wouldn't be able to get up unless they did.

I activated my quirk, it might not have a lasting or strong effect on them but it's definitely more convincing then my regular (still quirk infused, to a lesser degree) voice. "Get up." I said.

Hisoka's and Illumi's eyes snapped open and they stared at me. Their limbs were twitching. They were strong enough to fight the influence, and because of the bond it already didn't do much, but it did enough. Think of it like their minds being fully conscious, but a part of their subconsciousness is affected by my control which is why their limbs sometimes move without them wanting too.

They stared at me for a few more minutes before reluctantly getting out of the bed.

I walked into the bathroom and got dressed in what I'd been wearing for the entire exam so far. (A/N I don't think I ever described what he's wearing, but whatever. He can be wearing whatever you want him two. His weapons are still a part of his outfit though. I like to think he wears a trench-coat.)

I left the room first. Hisoka and Illumi left afterwards sometime. We still don't want people to know that we're here together (let's ignore Hisoka for a minute yea?).


I was standing among all the leftover hunter applicants on a tall pillar.

"Hem hem," Beans cleared his throat, everyone turned to look at him, "Everyone, this is the starting point for the Third phase. This is the top of Trick Tower. You'll pass if you reach the bottom alive. The time limit is 72 hours. Well then. The Third Phase now begins. Good luck to everyone." Beans left along with the airship leaving us stranded on the tower.

I looked around. I spotted the group of four standing near the edge of the tower looking down. A guy approached them talking about something before starting to make his way down the tower. Not even a minute into his decent flying monsters came out of nowhere and attacked him. That's not how you get down the tower then.

I kept glancing at the group every now and then. There were less applicants around, Hisoka and Illumi are already gone, I'd assume there are some kind of trapdoors all around the top of this tower. I still hadn't moved from the spot I'd been occupying the entire time. Though I might have too soon, If I have to spend another minute watching that waste of space Tonpa breathe, I'm going to kill something or jump off this tower and hope I can fly.

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