Ch 11: Second Kill

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In the Lust Ring that night, the three members of the Scorch Gang, Royce, Debora, and Karver were in Ozzies drinking and watching some strippers on the poles. Royce knew the owner personally and was free to come in at any time. Debora and Karver were sort of banging, so they got a free pass as well. Royce was at the bar taking some shots of Whiskey. He downed another and then poured another and sighed. Karver then said, "Here, pour me one!" He gave him a short glass. Royce did, and Karver drank it all down. Debora was sipping a pink cocktail. Royce turned and watched the strippers. A sexual song played on the speakers as the strippers, being both men and women, danced to the song. Royce watched them but with a glum look. Karver then said, "Can't believe Marvin went and walked out on us like that! Fucking pussy!" Deb just hugged Karver and said "Its fine. He was a fat asshole anyway." She sips her cocktail and says "Hope he got what he deserved. Knowing he owed that one guy some money." Sometimes Marvin would be stupid enough to talk about his problems, usually when he got liquored up. Royce said "Look mate. I am sorry to say but, I don't blame him." Karver just shakes his head and says "We could of had them those-" He just growls in anger. Royce said "Karver, look. If we were so desperate we could have came here. Besides IMP City is becoming more like a shit hole if you ask me." Karver didn't reply, he was too pissed to even talk. Debora poured him another drink and said "Here just drink, it will make you feel better." Karver did just that, he chugged it down and slammed the glass down.

The Bartender said "Hey watch it! And try not to drink all my alcohol!" Karver grabbed the Bartender and pulled him close and said "Shut the fuck up and get me a Jack and Coke. And make it strong as fuck! GOT IT!" The Bartender just nodded and Karver let him go. Royce looks at Karver with a stern look and says "I am going to go home and hit the hay." Debora said "We will see you tomorrow?" Royce looked at her and said "Maybe Deb. I will probably text you." Debora gave him a hug and said "Alright, have a good night sweetie." She pulled the hug and Royce walked out of Ozzies. Karver just drank his Jack and Coke and said "After this babe. Let's go find a hotel and get down and dirty. I need some extra loving tonight." Debora smiles and says "Sure thing baby~."
Royce walked out and he stopped at the side and lit a cigarette and began to smoke. Man this sucked balls, Marv had probably ran into some trouble or something, because they had not heard from him in a good number of weeks. Let alone a whole month. Royce was starting to worry. His disappearance was a bit suspicious, to a point where it was almost scary. Did that guy he owed money to kill him? Did he get into some trouble he couldn't get himself out of? It seemed like it, Royce and Marv had grown to be best buds. That is why he agreed with Marv breaking up with the gang after that whole ordeal that occurred during Christmas. Karver was always willing to get them into trouble himself and it would always end badly, well most of the time.

He puffed his cigarette again and then walked down the sidewalk towards the outskirts of the city. The City of Lust had a park of its own and you can imagine what couples did there most of the time. Royce was just walking there to clear his mind of all the shit that had been going on and was starting to think about Octavia again after seeing her recently. He was still saddened about how her father disliked him and how he forbid her to see him anymore. Sure Stolas was a rich loving royal father, but damn he was scary at times. He noticed some prostitutes were near by smoking themselves and they soon noticed Royce and gave him flirty looks. Royce wasn't interested in having any fun that night, he was just not in that mood. The reason he came to the Lust Ring was because Karver talked him into it. He had his dignity to think about. He wasn't a virgin of course, he had his first time and he enjoyed it. But he really was saving himself for Octavia, he wanted to do it with her, he really wanted to have passionate love making with her. He was going to propose to her and marry, if it wasn't for her over protective father Stolas then he would. He loved Octavia, he really did. But the stereotypical Romeo and Juliet story came to an ubrpt end. No happy ever after or shit like that.

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