Ch 17: Blitz Seeks The Truth

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Blitz was out shopping when he passed by the parking space next to an apartment complex. He understood that it was the apartments that Vortex lived in, but he saw that there was massive damage to the walls. A Construction Worker Demon was standing there with a grumpy look on his face and his arms folded. Blitz went up to him and asked "Um whats all this?" The worker looked at him and said,"Some maniac had caused a ruckus up in the parking lot area to this Apartment Complex. Made a fucking mess in there!" Blitz looked at it and said "Really? Any idea who caused it?" The Worker shrugs "Who fucking knows. It might have been that one-eyed Demon bitch with the explosives that made that mess. She always does that shit! Makes a mess for us to clean up afterwards!"

Blitz was skeptical that it was the One-eyed Demon, which he heard was named Cherry, that caused the destruction. The holes in the walls looked to neatly cut for any explosion to cause. He asked "When did this happen?" The Worker said "Some one reported it the night before, said they heard some loud noises and a series of explosions. That bitch with the bombs I am telling ya!"

Blitz decided to leave the scene but had a suspicious feeling who might have caused it, not Cherry, some one else that could cause damage like that. He went back to the IMP HQ and went to the Lounge. Loona was there petting Nixx. He put away the stuff he went to his office. He got his phone and looked up the news online.

He looked through some random bullshit until he found the article about the destruction in the Parking Lot. A good number of cars were destroyed during the whole ordeal, some believed it was Cherry Bomb herself that did it. However one thing that didn't make sense, the fact that the huge holes in the walls did not look in any way were caused by an explosion. Blitz read about the interveiws of some pretty pissed off residents about how their cars were now blazing hulks of metal. Blitz was looking at the photos some of the people took and posted. One in particular caught his eye. He was surprised when he saw it. It was a message on a wall on the ramp. It read in clear capital letters "LOONA IS MINE." Blitz was staring at it, until it came to him and he realized who might have wirtten it. By why though? Then Blitz realized, it was probably, it was indeed Nixx who wrote it.

Loona decided to go out and get a beer that was in the IMP Van that had a cooler in the back. They got it to keep cold drinks in there mostly for Nixx and Loona kept some in for herself. She was walking back up when she saw Vortex outside of Verosikas office. She smiled and went up to him. "Hey Tex how are you?" Tex was still angry about what happened at his place. He looked over at Loona and said "Hey." Thats all he could say. Loona was confused, she said "Whats up? Something wrong?" Tex sighs and turns to her and says "I don't know Loona you tell me?!" Loona was now shocked that Vortex was raising his voice at her, she said "Woah! Tex calm down. Didn't you have a good time?" Tex sighs and rubs his eyes. He then said "I did Loona, really I did its just that. Did you know where Nixx was that night?" Loona replies "Of course I did. He was with Octavia to stay for the night. What are you saying?" Vortex says "He was waiting for me at my apartment complex in the parking lot. He was a lot bigger than how he normally was, and.. He tried to kill me!" Loona was shocked to hear this, she just couldn't believe it. "What!? Why would Nixx want to kill you Vortex!? It doesn't make sense!"
"I am not sure Loona. There were times when I saw him looking at me with this look, like..."
"Like what?" Loona asks. "Like he wanted to fucking kill me!" Vortex said loudly. Blitz had just stepped out for a moment himself and noticed Loona and Vortex were arguing, and heard it was about Nixx. Loona just still couldn't believe it "I just don't understand why Nixx would try and kill you Tex. I just can't believe it." Tex was now getting really fustrated.

Loona could sense that Vortex was calling their relationship off. She was the first to say it "So, its over then?" She corssed her arms and looked at Tex with an angry expression. Tex said "Thats if you are willing to get rid of, Nixx. Cause I won't feel safe with him around." Loona was now really pissed. She said "Yeah, I don't fucking think so. I just can't believe this Tex!" Blitz knew exactly what Tex was talking about, and he went inside before Loona and Vortex saw him. Loona went inside herself and was so angry. She was walking back to the Lounge, Millie and Moxxie saw her and Millie said "Hey Loona!" Loona flipped them both off and said "Go fuck yourselves!" They both where shocked then Mox said "Why are we surprised?" Loona opened the door to the Lounge. She saw Nixx was sitting there with his back to her. "Nixx? Are you ok?" Loona asked. Nixx didn't answer, he just still sat there with his back to her. "Nixx its OK. Everything is fine." Nixx was silent, but then he turned around to face Loona and when he saw she wasn't angry with him he smiled and cheered up. He played a song for her (the song can be whatever you want) and Loona smiled and went over to give him a hug and a kiss. Everything was okay, for now.

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