Ch 14: Nixx joins IMP

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Nixx slowly approached the Prosche with caution. He made sure no one was around to see him. He then grew big, picked up the car and flew over the lake and dumped it in there, and watched it sink. He then flew back and got into the same parking spot the car was in and laid there waiting for the general to come out. Blitz saw this and said, "Ok, now we wait." Nixx waited for Harvick to be done, when he was he came out of the bar and was halfway drunk and was laughing with some friends and said his "goodbyes" and started towards Nixx not seeing him as the strange Creature he was, but as his Silver Prosche. He actually climbed up on Nixxs back when he saw him entering his vehicle. He sat in there and said, "Huh, that was a pain in the ass for some reason." He shrugged, and then without having to put his key in his Prosche seemed to start on its own. It then pulled out of the parking space and then began to go in the direction that was off the road and away from the bar. "H-Hey, what the hell?"

He tried to turn the wheel, but it didn't move, then he tried the brakes they didn't work either. Then his suspicion was concluded when the vision of being in his Porsche then came to the clear vision of him riding on the back of some large animal or beast that was black and orange. "What the fuck? Your not my car? What are you?" Nixx looked back at the General with a michevious smile and took him to the bushes and trees where. Blitz and the others waited. He got there and they saw him with Gerald Harvick on his back trying to get off, but of course it wasn't working. It was the same when Loona was riding on his back and he held on to her like she was magnetized to him. This the same he did the with Gerald. "Good job Nixx! Like baiting in a rabbit to a trap." They then tied General Harvick he said "Who the fuck are you!?

What do you want!?" Blitz smacked Gerald across the face and said "Shut it jackass! We are just a couple of hired Hitmen and women, to kill ya! That's all you need to know." Harvick said "How dare you! Do you know who I am!? I am" Blitz replies pointing a finger in his face "Listen here G.I. Joe. We wouldn't give two flying ass fucks if you were an Admiral in the Navy! Let's end this shit I heard about enough from you!" He then turns and says "Anyone want to do the honors?" Moxxie chose to do it and right before Harvick said anything else his throat was slashed and he choked on his own blood. They then threw him in the lake and he sunk and drowned. "Next target!" Blitz said happily.

Loona was now wondering how Nixx could aid them in killing a Lawyer. She congratulated Nixx on how good of a job he did with the General and now was looking forward to seeing what else Nixx had to offer. She asked Blitz "So this Lawyer guy? Why does Austin want him dead?" Blitz says "He is apparently a corrupted son of a bitch just like a cop we killed. He has back stabbed a few of his clients in the back and makes deals with gangsters and what not." Moxxie spotted him, he was walking into an office building. The guy didn't look the best dressed. Sure he wore a suit but his tie was crooked and he also had long uncut hair and looked like a straight up loser.

He also wore some dirty slacks and shoes, he was also carrying his briefcase under his arm that by the handle. He was walking in and saw a hot lady walk by, he flirted with her but she then kicked him in the balls and he fell to the floor groaning in pain and almost started crying. "That is the guy we need to kill?" Millie asked in disbelief. Her arms were folded and a look of disappointment was plastered across her face. "Unfortunately yes dear." Mox said agreeing with her. Blitz says "Who fucking cares!? I don't! He is our next target and since he is such a low down blood and cum guzzling slimy turd means no one will care when he is gone!" Mox sighs and says "Alright. How do you want to kill him sir? He is going to be in that office?"

Blitz was silent for a moment and then turns towards Loona and says "Hey Loona. Nixx doesn't just disguise himself as a car does he?" Loona listened to what Blitz was going to explain. She then walked into the office building dressed in fancy clothing, a fur coat with long leather jeans and high heels. She was also wearing shades. she was in her human form and she held a small chihuahua in her right arm. This of course was Nixx in a disguise. "Can't believe I agree to do this shit." Loona said with a low growl. Even Nixx was not thrilled to be a small dog. He did a small growl as well.

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