Ch 4: Studies

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After Loona had told Blitz about what happened, Blitz was furious, but he was glad that they all took care of it. He was also glad Moxxie had his pistol on him just in case of a situation like that. Loona had Nixx in her arms petting him, she was still surprised that he could grow bigger than his small form. Did that mean he was ageless? Did he grow from adult to infant whenever he could at will if he pleased? If so, that was incredible. As they walked into the the hall where they neared their office area. Blitz saw Verosika talking with Vortex who Loona was of course thrilled to see. Blitz decided to tease with Mayday and walked right up to them and said "Why good afternoon Mrs. Mayday?" Verosika looked over at Blitz and said "Oh hey Blitzy. Have you noticed I took your spot again?" Blitz said "You have? I don't think so." Verosika was suspicious and said "Wait, what do you mean? What are you in such a good mood for?" Blitz just says while inspecting his clawed hands. "Oh just the fact I had that pink pile of shit you call a vehicle out of my parking space." Verosika just ignored the fact about Blitz insulting her car and said "Yeah right. You think I am that stupid? I parked it there just to show you that I don't give a fuck." Blitz just scoffs and says "I knew you'd say that. Don't believe me. Go see for yourself." Verosika did as she left nonechantly to go see. Blitz watched her while grinning from horn to horn.

Loona just ignored all that and went to go speak with Vortex. "How's it going Vortex? Still working for that slut I see?" Vortex shrugs and says "Hey, she pays well." He then noticed Nixx in her arms and says "New pet I see?" Loona says "Oh yeah. His name his Nixx and I bought him about half a week ago." Vortex observed Nixx and was amazed by how he looked. He had never seen such a unusual but yet delightful Creature like him. Loona spoke to Nixx and said "Nixx meet Vortex." Nixx looked up like Vortex and stared at him. "Hey little guy." Vortex said kindly. Nixx opened up his chest slits, he was scanning him. Vortex was a bit weirded out by that, but he brushed it aside "Is it ok if I pet him?" Loona smiles and says "Sure, he loves pets. Especially scratches under the chin." Vortex gave Nixx some pets and a scratch underneath his chin.

Nixx actually started purring, he pretty much accepted Vortex. "Well, he seems to like you." Vortex nods and says "Yeah. He doesn't Bite does he?" Loona giggles and says "Maybe. He hasn't bitten any of us yet. Perhapes only if you provoke him." Vortex stops petting Nixx and says "I see. Anyway what was your Bos-er Father talking about?" Loona smiles and says in a whisper "Nixx moved Verosikas car out of our parking spot." Vortex was amazed to hear this. "How? When he is that small? How did he move Mrs. Maydays car so easily?" Loona grins and says slyly "He has some special things about him. If you stick around some more you can see." Vortex knew what Loona meant and said "I suppose I will." Loona and Vortex

looked at each other affectionately. They still secretly were in love with each other. Then Blitz said "Loony dear. Come along." Loona does an annoyed sigh and says "I will talk with you later." Vortex nods and says "Yeah sure. Take care." Loona smiles and follows. Blitz, Moxxie and Millie into their own office. All the while Nixx was staring back at Vortex, no not staring, glaring. Verosika came back up and said "I have no idea how that asshat moved my car with out the keys. Do you know Vortex?" Vortex only shrugged and said "Your guess is as good as mine. By the way did you see Loonas new pet?"
"What new pet?" Verosika asked.
In the office Blitz was proud about what Nixx had done earlier and was giving him some belly rubs. "Who is such a good boy? Moving that sluts car." He said too Nixx in a playful tone. Blitz then turned to Mox and Millie and said "Anyway. What is the other thing you wanted to tell me about?" Mox explained "Well, Loona told us at the Park where Nixx could fly around and play and-"
"Let me stop you there. Did you just say fly?" Blitz said puzzled. Mox turned to Loona and he assumed that she was giving him the que to explain. "Apparently Nixx can fly as well. But thats not the main thing. The main thing is, is that I managed to find out what he feeds on. So I believe." Blitz was anxious to find out. Loona took out the Scotch she has been sipping on and poured Nixx a small glass. She called Nixx over and he went over and started to drink the Scotch like it was just water. Blitz was speechless.

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