Ch 12: Nixx Goes To A Party

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Loona was invited to another party by Tex and she was more than happy to agree. She texted him and asked if it was OK to bring Nixx and Tex agreed it was alright. He was wanting his friends to see Nixx and see what he looked like. After a few days of having to kill a few targets and spend time away from Earth after what happened when she brought Nixx she assumed he would rather stay here in Hell where no one seemed to bother him much.

Nixx on the other hand was alright with going to a party with Loona, as long as it was with Loona he was fine with it. He was alright with not going back to Earth anytime soon. Humans were disgusting beings, he found that out the hard way. Maybe it was his own fault for disguising himself as an attractive car that caught the wrong kind of attention, oh well maybe he will think twice before doing that again. As far as he knew he was going to be laying low in Hell for a while.

After the two kills he just did. Loona got ready, did her make up and actually dressed in her usual clothes this time. She had Nixx bathe himself and pretty much was ready. She was going to borrow the IMP Van, but then she remembered Nixx could fly. So she rode him instead and directed him to the location. She had Nixx land at the top floor of the parking lot and Nixx went small and hopped on her shoulder.

Nixx was looking around the place and could tell they were at some sort of large building that was a living place. Pretty much an apartment complex, a fancy one for a Hellhound.

Guess Tex is able to afford it. Loona knew which apartment it was, as she had been here before. Nixx could tell she was excited about this, he would rather be some where else with her than here to see Vortex again, Tex was for short, he did not look forward to it, he knew what was going on. However he didn't want to cause trouble, so Nixx assumed it was best he behave and not ruin it for Loona.

She was knocking at the door when Nixx made his decision and Vortex awnsered the door. "Good to see you made it Loona."
"Told I would Tex." Loona replied. He smiled and invited her in. There was some other Hellhounds especially ones Loona met before. One was a shy female that had black and light grey fur with navy blue eyes. She wore a black tank top with red stripes and wore some ripped short jeans. She also had blue stockings. Her name was Kayla. Her Boyfriend was named Roland and had white and light ornageish brown fur.

He wore a leather jacket with long grey slacks and wore some shades. They were both sitting on the couch and Roland had one of his arms over Kayla. There was just some 3 other random Demons there and they were all happy to see Loona. "Hey Loona how have you been?" Roland said. Loona said "Doing alright, how are have you and Kayla been?" Roland says "We have been doing fine. What is that you got there?" Loona sat down near them and said "This is Nixx. I got him last year." Roland looks at him and says "Cool, I think I have seen something like him before." Loona was actually was curious about this and said "Really? When and where?" Roland thinks for a moment and replies "When I was high." He sips his beer after. Kayla looked at Loona with an apologetic look and Loona just shook her head. Of course, Roland was a bit of a pot smoker, OK not a bit, a lot.

Kayla then said "Anyway, is he nice?" Loona says "Yeah he is. He doesn't Bite or anything. Want to pet him?" Kayla was more than happy to. Nixx scanned her and her boyfriend and let her pet him. He had to get on Roland's lap to let her pet him. Roland gave him pets as well. Nixx didn't mind this, he was actually glad to meet new people. Roland then says "Wait a minute. Didn't a old Cobra guy own him?" Loona replies "Yeah, I bought him from an old Cobra named Everett Jones.

He wanted me to call him Jason." The others around gathered around and wanted to Nixx for themselves. The girls admired how cute he was, and the others admired his glowing orange markings. Nixx was a bit on the side where he didn't mind the attention, but he wanted to stay with Loona. All the while he laid in her lap or was on her shoulders Loona talked to everyone about how things were going at IMP. She drank a few strong mixed drinks that started make her feel a bit tipsy. Kayla was starting to get drunk as well. Loona had told them that Nixx could play music like a radio and she had him play a music list he had created himself. Nixx was playing music and people were dancing to the songs. Nixx sat at a table and watched them all, he was interested in these beings, how he adored them. He saw Loona was dancing along with them and how happy she was, as long she was happy so was he.

As soon a he saw Loona dancing with Tex, almost in a provocative manner, he forwned. He was almost tempted to go over and bite Texs neck out but he restrained himself. He just watched him, like a fucking Hawk. He assumed that if it was just dancing then it was alright. As he watched them, he saw how close they were getting and to the point where Tex had his hands on Loonas hips while dancing behind her. Nixxs eyes were starting to glow more and his pupils were about to dissappear. Please don't make this be? Not again, it can't happen again. Was this how it was, was it no use, Loona and Tex were meant to be? Nixx feared it was so, then it was true History repeated itself. Instead of doing anything though, Nixx sat in silence but still played the music. He wasn't going to let Vortex take Loona away from him, if he thought he was then he had another thing coming. Nixx was not going to stand by, let that pain consume him like before. Not if he could help it. He began his plotting. After the party was over, those who lived in the Apartment complex left to go home. Kayla and Roland went home as well. Loona had passed out with Tex on the couch. Nixx knew they had to go home, and he just couldn't stand to look at Lokna in Texs arms. It infuriated him so he grew large, took Loona, and placed her on his back. Loona was so drunk that she won't remember what had happened. Nixx had a few drinks himself so he had the energy to travel home.

Loona was sleeping so soundly she hardly woke up when Nixx levitated her on his back, another ability he had. He then went to the top parking lot area and took off gracefully. He looked back at the Apartment complex and remembered that is where Vortex lived. He will take care of him later, right now there was two Scorch Gang members left. He just had to take care of them first and then, possibly, Tex was the next one on his list. He got home and landed. Still carrying Loona on his back but was able to fit in through the door. He was taking Loona to her own bed and then he noticed Blitz sleeping on the couch. He had a picture of him and Loona, along with Moxxie and Millie, on New Years Eve looking at the camera with smiles on their faces and Nixx with them. He saw Blitz had tears running down his face, he was feeling it too Nixx supposed. He took Loona to bed, tucked her in and then went to go check up on Blitz to make sure he was OK. He was just sleeping soundly, his head laying on the pillow that was also drenched in tears. Nixx took him to his own bed and tucked him in. Nixx had accepted him, all of them as his new family, he was willing to take care of them all just like family. He was assuring Blitz that everything was going to be alright, he wasn't going to let his family fall apart. Not this time.

Nixx then went back to Loonas room and went back to fox or smaller size and snuggled close to Loona purring, happy that he was able to be with her and give her as much love as he could. And hopefully she would remain to give him love, and be with him, pretty much forever. He laid there and slept, and thought about ways to kill the last two Scorch Gang members. He wanted to do it to where they suffered, for what they did and how they had tried to hurt his new family. He would have done something if Blitz had not showed up with that Rifle. He saved them, and some what let the Scorch Gang walk away freely. Nixx was not going to allow that to happen. Protecting his new family was important, they were probably the only ones he was going to get, or have. If he loses them then what? He would be wondering this Hellish realm, possibly the Earth Realm, and possibly beyond, all alone. A tear appeared in his eye. He then closed his eyes and fell straight to sleep, hoping he was going to have sweet dreams, sadly he did not. He dreamt that Loona abandoned him for Tex. She just went up and left without even saying good bye. He dreamt that her and Vortex where walking away together and he couldn't follow, an invisible barrier was in his way and no matter what he did he couldn't pass it. He called out to Loona to come back, she didn't hear him. He cried out again, "COME BACK!! DONT LEAVE ME HERE!!" Nixx's cries became whimpers and he collapsed and starting crying the tears rolling down his cheeks. Vortex stopped and looked back one last time, and gave Nixx a sinister grin, like he enjoyed listening to him suffer. The darkness started to surround him, and he was soon consumed by it, like it swallowed him whole and he couldn't get out. Nixx was alone, in the endless abyss, and Loona was gone along with Vortex. No, no, NO, PLEASE NOOOOOOO!!

Nixx woke up letting out a whimper and sat up. It was the next morning, but he was so disturbed by his nightmare, he looked to see if Loona was still there, she was. Thank goodness, he sighed a breath of relief and snuggled with her. He almost started crying due to the fact he got so scared and one day he would wake up and Loona wouldn't be there. He loved her, he didn't know what he would do if she didn't even come over and bought him and adopted him. He would have just, given up, knew life wasn't worth living anymore. But she adopted him, and he did not want to lose her or suffer what happened before with Petunia. Nixx couldn't let this happen, he had to prevent it. Even if he had to kill Vortex next then so be it. Soon Loona woke up and the new day began.

(Got a little emotional writing this one.)

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