Waking Up

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-Quick Warning: The first part of this chapter mentions r*pe, I thought I'd pop a warning up here just in case-

Third Person

The VKs, with at least the majority of their Auradon friends in tow, rode almost completely silently back to Auradon... tension and if anything, grief filling the limo.

Once the panic of running away from the pirates had washed away, all that was left was the feeling of grief. Lonnie and Ben were distraught, as they had to leave behind someone they absolutely never thought would end up on the Isle of the Lost. The girl that for years was perceived as a girly girl sort, a popular mean girl who had a picture-perfect life with a sharp tongue towards those she didn't like or those who talked bad about her sister, the girl who was absolutely envied by so many... who they just watched break down into tears about not being able to come home and was already distraught about having to leave her sister behind.

And it was only worse for Lonnie... as she knew why she couldn't come home.

Lonnie stared out the window, staying strong as she was going to find Audrey right off the bat when she got back to Auradon to let her know that Arlette was alright when she left and that the last thing she wanted to make sure was done was that someone told Audrey that she loved her which was going to be difficult beyond belief of course, but Lonnie would never keep something like that from Audrey for the sake of not wanting to face the situation.

Ben was just so confused, as he really couldn't see how Arlette would take such desperate measures of staying behind on the Isle. For all he knew, the breakup between her and Chadwick must've been pretty nasty, simply because he knew nothing else was entirely fact. He had heard the mass rumors and gossip that was going around about her right now, but he genuinely didn't think any of it was true. But there was one person in the limo that everyone knew had learned the truth. So Ben slowly looked up at Lonnie from across the window as she stared out the window, letting out a sigh in an attempt to softly break the silence before starting,

"Lonnie? A-Arlette said you knew everything... why did she s-stay behind?"

Ben asked, but Lonnie's eyes didn't budge. She kept looking out onto the ocean, the rest of the VKs casually turned to her as well as they secretly all wanted to know as well. Even Jay who was driving the limo turned his head a little bit so he could better listen in on what Lonnie was going to eventually say. She gathered her thoughts and remembered what Arlette had told her before taking a deep breath... and simply preparing herself for a difficult conversation. She kept the tears in for now, she would let that out in private,

"Arlette... was being forced to do things she had no say in, from being terrified of Chadwick and being manipulated throughout their relationship by the sounds of it to them breaking up was an entire shit show for her. She couldn't do a damn thing... and then when they broke up... she didn't tell me every detail, but from what I gathered... she was forced into an arranged marriage by her witch of a grandma, and what I do know is that he's nearly double her age and she literally told me the only reason he wants her as his wife is to make babies with whether she wants to or not. The girl is literally hiding from her grandma who is an absolute abuser and a pedophile who wants to fuck a fifteen-year-old fucking girl to get her pregnant without listening to a damn thing she wants and seeing as she's a minor and he's a full-grown man AND she doesn't want to be a broodmare as she said, it would literally be rape times two... so if that doesn't keep you all fucking quiet about where she is I don't know what will..."

Lonnie assertively and very sternly spoke, her voice booming with anger as she kept looking out the window until the very end of her anger-filled rant. Because needless to say, it didn't matter that she and Arlette hadn't been very connected for years, all that mattered was that she, her friend or not, was in a terrible situation that she was passionate about preventing. Everyone in the limo was taken by shock, eyes big and some jaws dropped, and Ben had teared up a little bit at the shocking and disgusting account of what Arlette had been going through behind closed doors. Lonnie now turned to them, her eyes piercing daggers into everyone she looked at as she wanted to make something very clear,

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