One Step At A Time

804 26 54

Arlette POV

After last night's... talk with Harry, tired beyond belief, all I remember is laying back in my bed and taking a deep breath, after that, I'm pretty sure I just blacked out and fell asleep.

Now that I'm getting dressed the next day, I'm... nervous to see what may change because of last night's talk. It's refreshing to just be nervous though, as at least I'm not scared of facing him today or anything. I laced up my shoes and straightened out the basic button-up shirt I had chosen for today before brushing off the dark red skirt I had chosen. It goes to just the middle of my lower leg so it's a tiny bit shorter than the full-length skirts I have been wearing, but seeing as it's gonna be a little warmer than usual today, I'm trying to keep cool without showing too much skin. It's a hard balance, and the fact that I woke up a little nervous doesn't help either... not to mention the minute I woke up I felt a band of cramps wrap around my lower abdomen. 

It's probably what woke me up, as I also woke up a bit earlier than I had to, so it's about an hour away from breakfast which means it should be time for drills right about now! I did have to lay in bed and take many deep breaths to get the cramps to leave me be, but they eventually went away, so I didn't worry much about them. As for those drills, I thought going to go watch would be a good idea so I can start getting an idea of what that implies and all, plus it'll give me something to do before it's time for breakfast.

It's not the best for me to wait for breakfast, but I can manage.

I looked in the small wall-mounted mirror and went through my basic checklist of things to see if I had everything. My hair is braided nice and neatly, my clothes look nice despite being slightly tattered, my eyes actually look somewhat rested and the bags under them have lightened... I think I'm good!

Then I remembered something, I paused and looked to my bedside table and quickly trotted over to it, as I had forgotten that I packed a journal with me! Last night as I was getting ready to go to sleep I wondered if my emotions would be easier to control if I had an outlet to let them out in without it being so catastrophic, so I grabbed my journal and the pen I'd packed with it and held it secure in my arms before walking out the door. While I'm watching drills would it not be a good time to just... write for a little bit?

Still nervous about what could be waiting for me when it comes to Harry, I stepped on up the steps leading out onto the deck as the sound of heavy footsteps of all sorts, plenty of grunting, and the sound of swords clashing filled my ears. I peeked out before fully coming out to make sure I wasn't stepping into anything, but all I saw... was a pretty awesome sight! Most of the pirates were sitting on the sidelines, either having found places sitting on barrels or leaning against the railing, but all of them were steadily watching the two going at it... and what a time to come up here.

It was Harry and Gil, and good gods... what an impressive sight!

I paused in the doorway and just had to watch for a moment before I moved on, as they swiftly stepped around each other, swords clashing between them! You'd think they were fierce enemies with how strongly they swung at each other, it was something to marvel that was for sure! It was like... a dance, one where each partner only gets to directly interact with each other with their blades... it's funny, now that I've thought about it and now that I'm watching two obviously very skilled individuals at work... it is like a dance! Their feet move in partnership with each other, always aiming to work around each other rather than even against each other. Though they were supposed to be fighting... and yet it looked quite literally more like they were dancing... so I just stared... as now... I feel..... even more jealous.

Maybe that's why I have this odd fascination with sword fighting... maybe that's why I'm standing here in the doorway completely and utterly mesmerized.

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