Episode 7.2 - Jolly Jamboree

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"How are you feeling about Sid's party tonight?" James the Clothier asked.

Robyn shrugged.

"Do you think you'll... tell William?"

Again she shrugged. She'd finally told the old man how she felt about William after they'd returned from their expedition in the Jungle.

She'd hoped that telling him, the person she trusted most outside of William and Sid, would help take that load off her chest, or at least help her figure out what to do about it.

But so far, it hadn't.

"I don't think I'll show up," she said. "I've got fishing to do..."

"You always have fishing to do," James said.

"It's helpful."

"Yes. But there is only so much fishing you need to do." The Clothier sat down on Chippy's Couch. "You have worked hard towards freeing the land from everything evil. You should revel in celebration. With your friends."

Robyn stared down at the palm wood floor.

The Clothier stood up, stepped forward and put a hand on Robyn's shoulder. "Come with me."

They headed out onto the sandy beach. The Ocean village consisted of three large houses constructed out of palm wood. Bart the Angler's was the furthest from James's and closest to the sea. It was decorated with a mess of fish in item frames, anchors, and other artefacts from the sea.

James led Robyn into Roxanne the Stylist's house, which sat in-between James's and Bart's. The inside of the house looked like a typical barbershop like what Robyn could vaguely remember from the real world, with a white-and-black chessboard-patterned floor, some glass walls that might have meant to be mirrors (she guessed mirrors couldn't be crafted in this world), and several seats facing the wall. A staircase led upwards in one corner of the room, to the Stylist's living area.

Robyn had seen the Stylist around once or twice but had never actually spoken to her. She was the sort of woman who always had too much makeup on all the time, and Robyn kept swearing that her immaculate strawberry-pink hair must be a wig. She wore a purple apron, blue jeans, and high heels.

"Here for another beard trim, James?" Roxanne asked in a simpering voice.

"Oh, you know what I'm here for," James said.

The Stylist gave a grin. "I know, hun. You told me this young lady needs a new haircut."

Robyn felt her face flush. She glanced worriedly at James, wondering what she had gotten herself into.

"Oh, you poor, poor thing," Roxanne said. "Just... just sit down here. It'll be okay."

Robyn reluctantly stepped forward and sat down in one of the chairs. Roxanne began examining her hair.

"Oh, god, girl! Did you even try to brush your hair today?" she exclaimed.

Robyn shrugged. "I left my hairbrush back in the real world," she mumbled. Did she even have a hairbrush in the real world? Surely she did?

"Don't you worry," Roxanne said. "Mama Roxanne is here to help. I'll have you looking pretty in no time!"

The next ten minutes was a blur of cutting, chopping, and styling. Roxanne gossiping kept Robyn's mind from drifting off. She craned her neck backwards a few time, watching James standing in the background. He had a slight smile on his beard, one that seemed easy-going, to say 'Everything will be all right.'

"You're looking amazing already, doll!" Roxanne exclaimed after some time. Robyn had no idea what she looked like, due to the 'mirror' in front of her not actually being a mirror.

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