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the sun was shining through the curtains. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the new environment around me. I looked over and found dylan sleeping peacefully next to me. I thought to myself that I can make breakfast before he wakes up to kinda make up for last night.
I slowly got out of bed and walked to the kitchen.

I was making breakfast when I heard footsteps coming from the stairs.
"good morning!"
"good morning. what are you doing so early?"
"it's not early. it's 10 am. and i'm making breakfast."
"10 am is early. wow this looks really good."
he said looking over my shoulder. I could feel him breathing over my neck. "yeah" was all I could say. I turned off the stone and took the pan and turned around to face dylan.
he stepped aside because of the hot pan in my hands. I put the pan on the table and sat down.
"so do you have to go to the set today?" I asked.
"unfortunately yes." dylan sighed. he then continued "what you gonna do today."
"I really don't have any idea. maybe just watch a movie or something."
"you can come with me."
"oh no I've made enough trouble for you."
"you sure you're gonna be okay?"

we finished our breakfast and dylan left.
I spent all day watching "friends" and scrolling through my phone.
I was lying on the couch with a blanket covering me when I heard a key in the door.
"hi y/n."
"oh hey you're back."
"what you doing?" he said sitting next to me.
"nothing just scrolling through tiktok. how was your day?"
"tiring." he mumbled and put his head on my shoulder.
I just watched him as he closed his eyes. he must've been so tired.
"you wanna go to bed?" I finally said.
he mumbled something again but I didn't understand a thing so I just got up and took his hand.
"come on." I said pulling his hand.
he just got up and walked behind me with his eyes almost closed. I made him lie down on the bed and covered him with a blanket.
then I lied down next to him and drifted off to sleep.

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