Chapter 2

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Cas used the same glamour charm that she'd perfected when going shopping with Mistress Lily, it had been many years since she performed this but found herself slipping into this persona again very quickly. The little elf took her young charge first to the opticians, then the only shop in muggle London that she knew well, Harrods.

When Mistress Lily was pregnant with baby Harry, she used to get terrible cravings. Cas would set off to the Harrods food court for whatever her mistress wished. She still had the Potter pouch that allowed her to withdraw money, muggle or wizarding, straight from the Potter vault. Harry hopefully wouldn't have to appear at Gringotts until he was eleven and became Lord Potter.

Harry was getting overwhelmed again but thinking of his friend helped calm him down. He'd noticed the beautiful cakes in the café' and asked Cas if they could bring Luna with them the next time. He just knew his friend would love them and their only problem would be choosing which one to have.

A whole new muggle wardrobe later and it was back to Potter Manor where he couldn't wait to tell his grandparents all about his day. With all the things he'd seen, done and had bought for him, Harry still thought meeting Luna was the best bit.

After his bath, potions and supper, Cas was tucking him into bed. "What would you like to do tomorrow Master Harry? Your grandparents want to spend the morning with you but after that the rest of the day is your own."

Harry thought for a minute or two. "I would love to visit a swing park and actually get to go on the swings. Dudley would never allow me to have a go and it looked like so much fun when I watched the other kids."

Cas could only nod as she tried not to cry at her young master's previous life. She hoped her actions today had helped pay the Dursleys back for the hurt they intentionally caused this child.


Vernon watched his secretary through the glass partition and knew she was almost his. He'd been wearing her down for months now and he could sense it would soon be time for a weekend 'seminar' that she would have to accompany him on. This would cause her great problems as, taking overtime rates into account, the single mother would earn less than her child minder. A weekend away would cause serious financial hardships.

That would be time to introduce the 'Vernon Dursley' compensation scheme and then she'd be hooked. He would then play with her for a while before throwing her back. Vernon was a great believer in the 'catch and release' policy, there was always plenty more fish in the sea for him to trawl a lure at.

It was the chase and then bending that person to your will that excited Vernon, once he'd accomplished that goal he soon got fed up with his conquest. The freak was almost broken as well. He'd written it up in his journal and planned to make sure the boy was seen working in the front garden and washing the car before his next beating. Vernon didn't want to arouse any suspicions now he was so close. The freak's mother thought she was really something and wouldn't give Vernon the time of day, now he was regularly beating the snot out of her only kid. Who said there was no justice in the world?

When the rest of the freaks came back for the boy he wouldn't be able to take a piss without Vernon Dursley's permission, far less perform magic. He'd show the bastards just who they were dealing with, dropping a kid off on his doorstep in the middle of the night.

He was studying his calendar to fit it all into his busy summer when his secretary knocked and entered. "There are some gentlemen here to see you sir!" The sarcasm was actually dripping off her use of the word 'sir'. Vernon's mind was working on ways to repay her for that when he noticed who the gentlemen were.

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