Chapter 3

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Rita had chills travelling up her spine while sweat was running off her forehead and the only thing stopping the witch heading straight for St Mungo's was she knew exactly what was promoting these symptoms. When she'd first sneaked into the ministry the reporter had expected to find some clerk responsible for the fatal error, at best some mid-level bureaucrat with his head stuck up his arse, but this was beyond her wildest dreams. Any story on the boy-who-lived was always going to feature he-who-must-not-be-named but when you could also tie Albus Dumbledore into the mix then you had the holy trinity of journalism.

Every document pertaining to Harry Potter, including his parents will, were sealed by the order of Chief Warlock Dumbledore. The information that was producing her fluxuations in temperature though was the ultimate weapon for bringing the great man crashing down to earth from the tall pedestal on which he'd been placed.

At the meeting of the Wizengamot directly after those fateful events of Halloween, Dumbledore had used every means at his disposal to lock everything down and then announced to the members that he had placed Harry Potter somewhere that evil couldn't reach the boy. Despite repeated protests and objections the old wizard had just rode roughshod over the entire Wizengamot and ministry, eventually getting reluctant approval because there were still currently members of both organizations being questioned as suspected death eaters. Were there deals done that let those prominent death eaters walk free with that ludicrous 'I was under the imperious curse' excuse without even lifting up their sleeves?

She, Rita Skeeter was going to break the news that Harry Potter, defeater of the dark lord was tortured and beaten to death by the muggles that Albus Dumbledore had personally entrusted with his care after promising the Wizengamot and ministry this was the safest option for the child.

She wasn't sure if the giddy feeling was due to fatigue or excitement but she planned to go home, take a pepper-up potion and write the story that would have her name in every wizarding home in Britain, no this story would reverberate around the word, Rita Skeeter was going global!


Jonathon could tell he didn't have his grandson's full attention this morning, the poor boy kept one eye on the clock practically willing it to move forward until it was time to meet his friend.

"Harry watching the clock won't make it go any faster, try and concentrate on what you're doing and forget about that."

"I'm sorry granddad but I've never had friends before or places to go and I feel so full of energy I could just burst."

Martha couldn't help but smile at her wonderful grandson, "Jonathon enough with the lessons today, let's just sit and have a chat with Harry. What are you planning to do with Luna today?"

"Well gran the Alley is great but London is this whole other world, I've seen things in picture books and on the telly that I really want to see for myself. If Luna is allowed I'm hoping that we can spend the day exploring together, finding out new stuff is so much better when you've got a friend with you."

"Remember you have to be careful Harry, you're Harry Evans who stays with his grandparents," Martha's smile hid the concern she was feeling but the lad had been dealt such a bad life she couldn't begrudge him this happiness.

"I remember gran, I've got Cas there to look after me and if I run into real trouble Hedwig would get us out." At the mention of her name the large bird flamed into the room and landed gently on her companion's shoulder. She sang such a wondrous song while Harry gently petted her, there were no words but the message was clear, no harm would come to Harry while Hedwig was near.

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