Chapter 6

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Harry had settled down considerably by the time Xeno found him in the library to gather his ideas on letting people know he was still alive, Dan and Emma watched fascinated as Jonathon explained to Luna and Hermione about the light spell and had both witches perform it. Maia couldn't believe how powerful these children were and explained to the muggle parents that Hermione was slightly more powerful than Luna because of their age difference but both were already displaying more raw magical power than she had.

Martha like grandmothers the world over couldn't help butting in praising her grandson, "You should see Harry, if anything he is even more powerful and picks magic up very easily."

Jonathon couldn't hide his smile, "This from the woman who doesn't want me to push him too hard."

Martha was saved her reply by Cas entering to say the horses had arrived and asking if anyone would like to see them, the brightness in both girls' eyes almost matched the lumos charms they'd been practicing.

"Jonathon and Martha, we would be more than happy to contribute towards the purchase and upkeep of the horses," said Emma with Maia also nodding her agreement.

Jonathon shot her down in flames, "Nonsense Emma, I won't hear of it. When the children stay with you or Maia they will be well looked after without the Potters contributing, as long as they're together, happy and safe then that's the most important thing. The Potters are a very wealthy family but my grandson's happiness means more to me than all the gold in Gringotts. Cas and Ziggy are already fencing off a paddock where they can safely be taught to ride, an adventure playground with swings, slides and a tree house will be appearing shortly. The children will be able to practice their magic here in the morning then play all day being watched by Cas, Ziggy and of course Hedwig leaving you four free to work. I'm quite happy to see Harry staying at either of your houses but would like to suggest we try and leave at least one day of the weekend when we can all get together here."

Both families thought this was a wonderful idea, their children would be cared for through the day, they would get to spend time with their new family in the evenings and at the weekend get to stay in what would be the equivalent of a muggle five star country hotel.

Dan and Xeno stayed to discuss Harry's story with the Potter grandparents while the rest were led out the house by two young ladies who were chomping at the bit to see the horses. They left from a side door giving Maia and Emma some idea of just how big Potter Manor was, the grounds were also extensive and both could see the children would love riding around here all summer.

Maia had been delighted when Emma had asked if she could accompany the witch when she was brewing Harry's lotion, both mothers were becoming friends and she was glad Emma was being so accepting of the magical world. Maia was also happy that Luna would grow up not only having friends but with the ability and knowledge to pass in both worlds giving all three children limitless options when they were older.

They had quickly formed a schedule based around Jonathon's suggestion and were planning on spending the weekend at the manor then the children could spend their days here and alternate nights at their homes for the rest of the summer. School was something they were going to have to discuss when they got a better idea of how things settled out.

The kids were now far ahead of the adults as they hurried towards the clearly visible stable block, the sound of excited laughter was music to the ears as both Emma and Maia contemplated how different their lonely daughter's lives had become since the inclusion of one Harry Potter.

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