Chapter 5

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Harry awoke from a great night's sleep and found his two best friends snuggled into him but, instead of making him blush he though this was brilliant and had a smile on his face that reflected his feelings.

"Morning Harry, can I use you for my pillow every night?" Luna asked.

This got Hermione giggling, "You sure are better than my teddy bear Harry, a girl could get used to being pampered like this. Any idea how we ended up in here, or who the pyjamas belong to?"

"The pyjamas are mine but the last thing I remember was falling asleep on top of the bed."

"That was me that put you all to bed," said Cas popping into the room, "I've run the bath and breakfast will be downstairs today but I would hurry as I heard both the young ladies mothers discussing something about horses."

Cas was laughing as Luna and Hermione reacted like sprinters out the blocks and dragged Harry with them into the bathroom, the girls found themselves faced with a massive sunken bath of unknown depth due to all the bubbles present. Hermione wasn't too sure about taking her clothes off in front of the others, Harry was still a boy after all, when Luna's excitement got the better of her and the little blond witch just jumped right in still wearing Harry's borrowed pyjamas.

A shared glance with Harry and both children jumped laughing into the bubble covered miniature swimming pool, they were all still laughing as Cas snapped her fingers and removed the now sodden night garments as they continued to splash one another.

Cas pointed the trio in the direction of the shampoo and they all ended up washing each other's hair, Harry drew the short straw and got Hermione.

The elf had warm fluffy towels waiting on them as they stepped out the bath and some of Harry's new clothes altered to suit the girls were laid out on the bed, Hermione and Luna were getting ready when they noticed that Harry hadn't followed them out, "You ok Harry?" shouted Luna.

"Eh I'll be a few minutes yet, go on down if you want."

Both girls could clearly hear the embarrassment in his voice so pulled on the tee shirts and headed back in there to see what the problem was, Luna and Hermione had to fight back the tears as Cas applied an ointment to Harry's scars. While in the bath the bubbles had hid most of their bodies and Harry had shown them his back yesterday but he was now standing naked and the horrific scars started at his shoulders, travelled all the way down his back, criss-crossed every square inch of his buttocks before disfiguring the backs of his legs.

Neither girl hesitated as they rushed to take their friends hand while Cas worked on him, "Master Harry gets this every morning and night now but you all fell asleep last night before I could do anything."

Hermione squeezed his hand, "You said last night Harry no secrets between us, this doesn't make any difference to the way we feel about you."

Luna was squeezing his other hand and nodded her agreement, "Best friends forever Harry."

All three were now smiling while standing waiting the few minutes it took for the lotion to be absorbed.

The occupants of the dining room were left wondering if there was a stampede of wild animals in the manor as the kids came bounding down the stairs and burst through the doors amid gales of laughter and some joking accusations of cheating in their race.

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