Chapter 8

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The three kids each appeared to get more of the stuff they were shovelling on themselves rather than in the wheel-barrow provided for the task. Both Emma and Maia were of the opinion that it was important the children take some part in caring for the animals, rather than just seeing them as expensive toys. So even though Ziggy could have completed the job with a snap of his fingers, and would probably have to do it again when the kids were finished, Harry, Hermione and Luna were currently attempting to clean out the ponies stalls.

After putting down some fresh straw they proceeded to brush their noble steeds, talking to their respective pony and each other continually while working. The three had quickly reached an understanding that had bemused the adults but set the pattern for the rest of their lives together. Instead of each of them individually choosing a pony as their favourite, they agreed to share the four ponies amongst themselves therefore not choosing one above the other. The trio would always share everything equally between them.

Dan and Emma had been taken home by Cas to prepare for the kids arrival but Maia felt that, after their riding adventures and exertions wielding shovels, a bath was in order before heading off to Hermione's home.

The trio were in the bubble laden water when two of them started to notice Hermione was apprehensive about something, "What's the matter Hermione? Both Luna and I can feel you're worried about something."

Knowing that it was not only hopeless but wrong to try and hide her feelings from her friends, Hermione told them what was bothering her. "It's just I've never had anyone over to my house before, what if you don't like it? Our bath would never fit the three of us at the same time and you've got your own library here…" Hermione was beginning to let her insecurities run away with her when she felt two pairs of arms encircle her, which had an immediate calming effect.

Harry and Luna held their friend for a minute until she'd calmed down enough to return their hug with a heart felt 'thank you."

Still in a three way hug Harry spoke, "Until last week I lived in a cupboard that was nearly always locked from the outside, and this bath is bigger than both Dudley's bedrooms put together. As long as you're there, and your mum and dad of course, then that will be good enough for Luna and me."

Luna was nodding in agreement, "Hermione if anyone should be worried then it is me, even in our world the Lovegood house is considered odd. I love it very much so know that my friends will to."

Hermione hugged them even tighter, "Thanks you two, Harry what did you mean by Dudley's second bedroom?"

"Oh Dudley needed two bedrooms for all the stuff they bought him, it was starting to spill over into the guest bedroom as well."

Luna was puzzled so asked for an explination, "They had all those bedrooms but made you sleep in a cupboard, why would they do that?"

Harry couldn't look his friends in the eye, "They said a freak like me didn't deserve a bedroom."

Luna lifted his chin back up, "Some people think I'm a bit strange Harry but I don't care, it's what my friends think of me that counts. They're the freaks Harry, not you." She kissed him on the cheek.

Hermione now faced him, "I've also been called names Harry and know how much they can hurt but Luna is right, don't believe them, believe us because we think you're the best friend we could ever have." She also kissed his cheek.

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