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AN: Ya know how I said we were gonna go fast. Yeah, I meant like sonic at the Olympics fast.

Also, I was re-reading some of the old chapters and holy shit! Why are any of you here? My writing skill was at -57. Hopefully it's better now.


Luke's knee constantly shook up and down beside me, making soft pit-pat noises on the hard floor of the waiting room. This was the first doctor visit he had to come to, Eli having other obligations he couldn't get out of, and I was having an ultrasound done.

The doctors told me that the baby would be more present and ultrasounds would become regular now. I was excited, in a way. Luke was plain nervous, his fingers beginning to beat along with his leg.

"Luke, please. I will beat you with out of these cheap ass chairs."

"I'm just nervous. What if something's wrong?" He turned to me, his blue eyes widened with anxiety.

"If anything is, we'll live through it. But you're not gonna know if I leave you and your incessant noises in the waiting room," I warned, ruffling his dark hair.

We probably looked pretty strange. We're both relatively small guys, in oversized sweats, sitting in an ob/gyn office. It turned a few heads.

It probably turned more heads when they called my name and we both went in together, but we didn't turn back to see. Luke was still nervous, and I just wanted to go home and nap. This whole creating life thing is tiring.

My obstetrician was a small, dark-skinned women with kind caramel colored eyes and warm hands. She smiled at me, and then at Luke. "Hello, River. Hello, not-Eli." She giggled softly at her own joke.

"Eli was busy today, this is my friend, Luke," I told her.

"Hello, Luke." She smiled warmly, showing perfectly white teeth. "How is everything going, River? Nothing of importance to note?"

"Everything seems fine, at the moment."

"Nightmares? Morning sickness? Cramps?"

"Nightmares, sometimes. Not so much morning sickness as aversions to certain foods. And cramps, not really," I answered, seeing Luke nod in the corner of my eyes.

"That's good." She started her normal check-ups, checking my blood pressure and heart rate, nodding and writing down the numbers. "Everything is going fine. Now let's look at this baby of yours."

The large machine was rolled into the room by a tall, male nurse, the wheel's of the cart squeaking along. I felt Luke grab my hand, and I squeezed his back. The anxiety was rolling off him in waves. There wasn't really a reason for him to be anxious, but I held his hand nonetheless. If he needed it, I'd give it to him.

The cold gel was rubbed across the small bump that could still be passed as chubbiness. The rapid beating of my baby's heart beat filled the air. "Oh, well that's weird." I heard my doctor say.

"What? What's weird?" Luke asked, squeezing my hand.

"Give me a second, darling." She watched the screen, looking for something. "Ah, just as I thought. Listen." She moved the wand to the right side of my stomach, and the beating of the heart was loud and rampant. She then moved to the left side, and the beating was just as loud and rampant.

"That's two separate heartbeats. That's two separate heartbeats!" Luke exclaimed.

"That'd be correct. You're having twins." She proceeded to point out both blobs, and their features. I was shocked, but my excitement level doubled. I was given a prescription for more prenatal vitamins, and sent on my way.

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