Two Worlds Colide

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The strange news of the babies' paternity started a fight like no one had ever seen between the two gangs. Kayson first didn't believe what we were telling him. I think over time he'd convinced himself that he wasn't the dad at all. And now to learn that not only was he a dad, but he was the dad of one half of the twins. It was confusing to all of them, but it angered Kayson.

It angered me too. I didn't want either of my children to have Kayson as their father. But I wouldn't change anything about Hawthorne. He was my baby. If his biological father was a piece of shit, then Eli could be enough father for the both of them. Hawthorne didn't need Kayson.

That didn't stop Kayson from trying to threaten me to give him my baby. He knew he couldn't take me to court. I had way too much dirt on him for a court to ever give him visitation, let alone full custody. I'd considered a plan for visitation. But that was before the death threats.

He was constantly texting me that he was going to attack my house at night, steal Hawthorne, kill me, kill Eli. It wasn't until the threat came through that he was going to hurt Rose, that Eli declared war on the other gang. His men were already being jumped in the street by Kayson's men, so most of them were in on the fight.

The deal was that if Eli won, Kayson would leave us alone. If Kayson won, I had to allow him at least a week a month to see Hawthorne. I was not a fan of this plan, but it was the only thing he'd agree to for a fight. It was either this or he'd continue harassing us forever. And possibly hurting someone in the process.


The day of the fight was an awful day. Eli and I were up all night with the newborns. Thankfully, Luke and Patrick took a few turns so we could get some rest. I was not allowed at the fight. I packed our bags as the boys got ready to leave. If Eli won, our plan was to leave tonight. If Kayson won, we'd have to stay.

I had most of the babies' and my stuff in one suitcase. We didn't have a lot. Clothes and toys and bottles. I put the suitcase near the door, both babies sleeping in their bassinets. I was ready to throw them in the car seats and into the back of Eli's car at the sound of the alarm. That was when Luke came out with a suitcase of his own.

"If you're going, I'm going," he announced. "Patrick too. If we need to leave, we go. You guys are gonna need help at a new house anyway. Money as well."

"You don't have to Luke. I know you two like it here."

"Yeah, we do. But if we stay, you know it would be dangerous anyway. For us, and for you if they know we know where you guys are. So my car will be packed and right behind you guys."

"I appreciate that Luke, I really do. I'm sorry I dragged you guys into this."

"We wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

The guys left the house quickly, wanting to be there on time so no one tried to call a false win. I sat with my babies, talking to both of them softly, moving their bassinets gently to rock them when they got fussy. With everything going on, it felt weird to try and put myself in the mind of a regular parent. All I knew is that I loved them. And that felt like enough for me right now.

When my phone lit up with Luke's face, I answered it as fast as I could. "We won! Get the babies ready. We'll be there in maybe 10 minutes. Eli's kinda hurt." He hung back up before I could get a word in but I did as told. I quickly put both of them in the car seats we had in our living room, prepared to throw them in the car as soon as they got home.

I also grabbed bandages and alcohol wipes. Luke wouldn't have mentioned Eli being hurt if it wasn't serious enough for some type of assistance. I threw everything in an old plastic bag before I grabbed everything and went to stand outside.

As soon as the car stopped outside the house, I threw the car seats both in the car. I felt bad as I heard both of my babies get fussy, but I needed to move. We didn't know what type of time we had or if the others were planning a counter attack. The bags were thrown in the trunks and I turned my attention to Eli. He had a gash on his arm. A knife wound.

"I thought there were no knives?" I asked.

"Not all of them played by the rules," he said, his face finally showing the pain he was in. I cleaned it the best I could with what I had before wrapping it up to stop the bleeding.

"Can you drive?" He shook his head.

"I don't think so."

"I'll drive your guys's car. Luke will follow us," Patrick announced. "River, get your babies. Make sure they're okay for the car ride. Eli, sit down."

We all piled in our cars. Someone would come back for the furniture when we felt it was safe and we could stay at a hotel until we found a house to fit all of us. For now, we began the journey to our new life.

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