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She made peace with the fact that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. It's okay to lose.

Critics choice awards.

These were her favorite award shows because real talent got acknowledgment here. No paid awards, no nepotism, no favoritism. These awards were solely chosen on the performance statistics and public reviews.

Kayden was a critic's darling.

But so was Sam and that meant she was going to see him here again.

But there was no reason that his presence should irritate her.

She was here to have fun and she was going to do that.

Let loose Kayden, let loose.

A rare comet-like thought made her cheeks get hot instantly, maybe Nathan would also be here.

Not that she was very excited about it or looking forward to it but it would be great to make another friend, right?

Vanessa and Dmitri were sitting next to her on the seats at the very front. A couple of more so-called friends also sat nearby.

It was halfway through the function and the biggest award of the night, for which she was nominated, the critic's choice of the best female actress was being announced on stage.

She was amazed to see that Johny Depp had walked on stage and he was going to be giving away this award.

She wasn't feeling any nerves at all. She was going to remain calm even if she didn't win because she made peace with the fact that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. It's okay to lose.

The moment Johny walked onto the stage, the whole crowd went mad. The stage dazzled in a red haze and the way it fell on him, it elevated his aura.

He truly was a star for all generations and an inspiration for her.

His walk was so confident, his smile so genuine and his body language conveyed just how down-to-earth a person he was.

He bent down in front of the microphone because he's so tall and he said two to three hellos waving in every direction.

He waited for the audience to quieten down but nobody did.

Everybody was starstruck.

He came onto the center of the stage and shushed everybody like Captain Jack sparrow would.

That character was him, nobody could take it away from him.

Kayden thought that the writers of that film wrote Johny Depp as Jack Sparrow and not the other way round.

Two people she could say that was true about.

Heath ledger and Johny Depp.

She still remembered how numb she felt when the news of Heath Ledger being alive no more, broke out.

She was distraught.

Her train of thoughts was broken when Johny started talking, figuring that the audience was not going to shut up.

" Without delaying this and avoiding getting blamed for somebody to pass out from anxiety of the announcement, because you know, this is the category for dramatic females! So the award goes to..."

He opened the tablet that he had in his hand and started tapping on it," oops it was just here, I think I've lost it."

The crowd silenced for a bit.

"Can't quite figure this out. I bet you all can wait," he said in a teasing note.

By now everybody knew, he was doing this purposefully.

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