Chapter 5 Revisited: The Rats Told Me

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Pedro, Matheo, and Rosa left the dining room shortly after everyone else had.

"So what Dolores said was true then?" Pedro asked Rosa.

"Maybe? I don't know how to understand a vision; I just know Má was trying to keep Mirabel safe." Rosa answered.

"And, uh, you told us that Pá left for the same reason?" Matheo asked.

He knew that Rosa had indeed told them that, but it came out as a question anyway.

Rosa nodded her head, as she jumped on Pedro's shoulders in a piggyback style.

Pedro rolled his eyes, but carried her anyway.

"Exactly" she said.

They continued walking down the hall. For the time being, there was no one in sight.

"We need to talk to her" Pedro said matter-of-factly, referring to Emilia.

When they made it to the stairs, Pedro set Rosa down and the three of them walked up to Emilia's room.

When they were close to their mother's room, Rosa stopped suddenly, leaving Pedro and Matheo to turn around and look at her in confusion.

"Everything okay?" Pedro asked.

"What happened?" wondered Matheo.

"It seems... that she isn't in her room." Rosa told her older brothers.

Emilia and Mirabel walked along the dim hall in silence, unsettled by the cracks that appeared and seemed to follow them along the walls.

Mirabel and Emilia hadn't gone far when a rat ran under their feet, causing them both to flinch. The rat was carrying a vision shard; glowing brightly in the darkness surrounding them.

They saw the green light travel a small way into the distance, the rat barely visable. They could just manage to see the animal hand off the item to something or someone who then picked it up.

It was at that moment that a flash of lightning allowed the figure to become, for a brief moment, easily visable.

Emilia froze. No. Was that....?! It couldn't be.

Without hesitation both Mirabel and Emilia chased after the unknown individual. Mirabel ran in front of Emilia.

"Stop!" Emilia yelled at the retreating form.

"Hey!" Mirabel called, running not too far behind the possible trespasser.

The chase took them through narrow halls and down stairs.

At one point during their pursuit, Mirabel bumped into a wall.

"It's okay, mami" Camilo said, offering his mother a cup of tea.

Pepa was still visibly distressed from the events that had occurred over dinner.

"Deep breath in, deep breath out" Camilo instructed.

There was a loud noise from the wall behind Pepa which startled her. Letting out a scream, she accidentally shocked Camilo with a lightning bolt.

"Ah!" he yelled, speedily shifting into multiple family members.


"Stop!" Mirabel and Emilia shouted, still chasing after the mystery person.

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