Discussions, meetings and trials

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U.K Academy: Liverpool, England.
Forty five minutes later.

Moving at a rapid pace, Garou made his way up the dormroom stairs and proceeded towards the room he shared with his companions.

When the call from Sonic had arrived he was out with his girlfriend, and his roommate knew that.

He and Genos always tried to avoid interrupting them during their time together, since the few times it had happened the result had been a thirty minute monologue from Fubuki on how annoying it was to have their dates interrupted, so any time that they did interrupt them, he knew it was for something important.

Opening the door, he stepped into the room, facing the annoyed look on his friends faces. Sighing, he sat down, at least having the decency of looking embarrassed.

"You're late" Genos's voice cut through the silence.

"Does it really matter?" He replied with a shrug. "Looks like the world is still into one piece."

"Yes, it does, because if I ask you to be here at a certain time, that is when you should arrive." Sonic muttered, his eyes clearly showing his annoyance. "At least have the decency to arrive on time considering what will come after this."

"Yeah sorry about that, I tried to talk her out of doing it this time, but I couldn't convince her." Scratching the back of his head sheepishly, he threw them a look of apology. "She says that there is a consequence to every action, and it's going to happen anyway."

They both groaned, Genos throwing himself on his bed. "Honestly man, I like Fubuki, especially when she doesn't go all preachy on us, and I'm happy that she makes you happy, you know that, but you got to stand up for yourself."

"She's got you wrapped around her little finger mate." Sonic added, dumping himself on the beanbag in the far side of the room.

Taking a chair and sitting in it, Garou grunted, irritation starting to fill his glare. "Fine, I hear what you're saying and I'll take it into consideration. Now, did you call me here to talk to me about relationships, which, may I add, I am the only person in here currently in one, or did you call me for something serious?"

Sitting up in his bed, Genos nodded. "Yes, we've sidetracked. So basically we have been selected for the 'Highschool World Championship' in Japan. We are going to be leaving in three weeks and we'll be living with the Japanese students attending the school hosting the games." He paused. "Sonic didn't explain everything, so I guess he's going to do so now."

He nodded to the black haired boy, who was about to talk when he was forcibly stopped by a pillow to the face.

He threw it off him, murder in his eyes, ready to throw hands, but stopped at the look in the martial artist.

"Hold the fuck up." Garou exclaimed, eyes gleaming. "Did I hear you correctly? We are talking about that tournament right. The biggest in the world. That tournament?"

"Yes you retard, do you know any other tournaments of the same name?" Sonic snapped, even if he understood where he was coming from. They were nearly the same words he had told the headmaster when he was first handed the letter.

"This is great! I got to tell Fubuki!" He said, standing up grabbing his phone and heading towards the door.

Finally his big break. While he was happy with his position at the top of the school's food chain, and he was definitely going to be an S-class hero as soon as he graduated, this was a chance to go international, to cement his name as one of the greats, especially if they won.

A cough brought him back to earth, and he turned around to an unamused Genos.

"While I admire that your first thought in this situation goes to your girlfriend, may I remind you that we are in the middle of an important conversation, so sit, down."

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