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Arnav hated hospitals with a passion. For the last five years hospitals had been his very close companion. Getting hurt while being a diabetic was really bad. It meant he took longer to heal. He snorted to himself what kind of a diabetic lived the way he did. The doctor entered his room. "Good morning Mr Raizada how are you feeling this morning","Ready to leave this hospital"." I am afraid we need to keep you here for a few more days"." No I feel fine and I would like to be discharged today right now if possible".

Khushi and Aman arrived at the same time to hear arnav and the doctor arguing. "Is everything alright doctor"," Mrs Raizada please explain to your husband that he needs to remain in the hospital for the next five days". Khushi looked at Arnav he looked as if he could eat the doctor alive. She stared at Aman he looked liked he would rather be elsewhere. She knew Arnav wasn't going to listen. Even Aman didn't look bothered that his boss wanted to leave. "My husband doesn't like hospitals but I would appreciate it if he was discharged. If it makes you feel better I will make sure to take proper care of him at home so will you please discharge him". The doctor opened his mouth to refuse again when he saw Arnav's murderous glare. He felt a chill down his spine. This man was dangerous he thought. He looked at the wife. How could someone as stubborn as this man have such an understanding wife. " If you insist Mrs Raizada. Make sure he is on bed rest for the next few days. He should not indulge in any physical activities and that includes any sexual activities". Khushi blushed how could he say that. That too in front of arnav. Khushi glanced at arnav and he was also staring at her. "Of course doctor thank you". "The nurse will bring the discharge papers. Excuse me".

Aman was impressed his bhabi had convinced the doctor though the question about intimacy made the air awkward. At least they hadn't needed to resort to threatening." Well Aman what are you waiting for go get my clothes I want to leave","Right away ASR". Khushi stared at him. It seemed his hatred of hospitals had increased in the last few years. Aman came in with his boss's clothes. Khushi's eyes followed him as he entered the bathroom. How long could they live like this.

Aman watched his boss and wife from the rearview mirror. He couldn't believe that a couple of years ago his boss wouldn't have missed an opportunity to make her blush and she would glance at him shyly. A few misunderstandings, hurtful words and lack of communication and trust ruined what could have been a beautiful marriage. Aman stood by what he had told Arnav during their five years away they should have grovelled at bhabhi's feet until she forgave them and then gotten his boss a good therapist or psychologist whatever could have helped his boss deal with his issues. Arnav needed someone to talk to after he saw his parents committed suicide to get over the pain and trauma. Instead he had to work and grow up vengeful and hateful while everyone pampered poor Anjali who had her marriage called off. Noone bothered about his boss come friend and no matter how much he loved Anjali he could never forgive or forget that. And because Arnav got no help and decided to run away for five years he now has a bigger bag of issues. The number of nightmares he had,infact they both had needed serious help. Arnav had said he didn't want to taint bhabhi with what he had become but Aman knew he loved her too much. Only time would tell if he loved her enough to keep her or to let her go.

One week later 🏠

The Raizada household had gotten used to having two extra people. It was strange. It seemed Arnav could no longer live without Aman. Aman had always been a call away but nowadays he was like Arnav's shadow. Wherever Arnav went Aman followed. Arnav had always had a love for dark colours but now all he seemed to wear was black as did Aman. Truth be told the Raizada household was a little perturbed. Khushi had gotten used to sharing a room with her estranged husband who seemed quieter than usual. They had a silent agreement of exchanging sleeping on the bed and sleeping on the couch.

Arnav was annoyed. Why did they ignore Khushi. It wasn't her fault she saw the good in people. And so what if she came to his defence after the heinous things he did. At least she wanted them to hear why he did what he did. He was disappointed. The sister he did all this for,the sister he hurt the woman he loved for didn't even bother to properly understand why he did what he did. Infact none of his family members did. A woman he had known for a few months and forcibly married had tried to find out his reasoning before he ran like a coward." Alright I think that's enough of your behavior towards Khushi. I don't see what she did so bad that you have ignored her for the last five years. Tell me Payal is it only in this house that my wife is neglected or does it include your house as well because if I remember correctly Garima Gupta slapped my wife for marrying me when she should have also slapped me. Why does society always blame women. When you go home dear sister in law tell your mother and Aunt to treat my wife right or I will make sure they regret it. Now back to the inhabitants of this house because I was away for five years you seem to have forgotten certain things. This is my house that I built. AR is my company that I started. I am not dismissing Akash or Uncle I am grateful to them for taking AR to heights and am proud of them for rising up to the occasion so thank you both for your hard work. As I said since this is mine you should remember no matter the circumstances khushi and I got married she is still the eldest bahu of this house and it seems some of you had forgotten this fact. She deserves respect. So what if she likes talking about me and wants to hear my side of what led to our marriage. She has that right and that doesn't mean you should ignore her. Are we clear. Good. Have a wonderful breakfast". Arnav and Aman stood and left leaving behind a shocked silence.

Payal was speechless. Arnav had defended her sister even though they had no relationship for the last five years. He told her to talk to her mother and Aunt. She could see their disapproval already. Payal had never seen this Arnav but had heard about him from Akash. This Arnav was to be taken seriously or he would destroy everything that stood in his way.

Anjali was shocked. Her brother had changed so much. He had just changed the Dynamics of the entire house. She wondered where she had gone wrong. This wasn't the brother who left years ago. What was happening.

Akash as usual was a silent observer. His brother had changed. It was in the way he carried himself. How he walked, talked and even dressed. This wasn't the brother that bent to all of Anjali's wishes. One thing that hadn't changed is his faith and appreciation in what he did for AR. Something had happened to his brother and he was going to find out what.

Lavanya had known ASR for a while and they were good friends but the man that just left was not him. He always had a commanding presence but now he dominated the entire room. Whether it was being abandoned by his entire family or having his heart broken by the only woman he loved he had changed. Only time would tell if the change was good or bad.

NK was not as dumb as he appeared to be. He had noticed the romance budding between Arnav and Khushi. He had noticed the love he had though he didn't understand. The Arnav he had known and this one that had returned were two different entities. This Arnav had a scary air around him. He seemed untouchable, cold and ruthless and that scared him. What was wrong with his brother.

Manohar had known arnav since he was a boy. Had watched him grow into the man he was but this Arnav who came back home after so long was not the Arnav he knew. When his mother finally came back from her pilgrimage would she recognize her Ratna's son.

Manoroma felt like she was watching one of those scary shows when she looked at arnav. Something was definitely wrong with him.

Khushi was in a state of disbelief. He had stood up for her. The man who said he was giving up on them defended her. It was time they had a real conversation. No more pointless arguments. It was time for the truth.

Hello fellow arshians. I know it's been a while since I updated. But as I had said I had exams. Then I got my results and they weren't what I expected so I had an emotional breakdown. Then I had writer's block and now I'm busy applying for school so yeah it's been hectic. I will try to update as soon as I can but let's just hope for the best. Thank you for the support 😘 😘😘😘😘

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