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Arnav sat looking over every thing he had missed in the last five years his bhai had kept every thing in order. His thoughts wandered to khushi. He scolded himself for his horrible thoughts how could he make her beg for forgiveness when he was wrong. He needed to talk to her.

Khushi sat waiting for him since he missed dinner thinking about her nightmare how could she be so selfless to beg for forgiveness when he was wrong. It was time they had a talk. He soon walked in." We need to talk arms " "Yes we do khushi" "Why didn't u tell me we are legally married. I found the papers when I was looking for a clue to where u  went. Were u ever gonna tell me. Did u ever love me arnav or was I just a homewrecker to your sister. Maybe u never did love me and it was all an act. After all to u I was characterless and a golddigger otherwise why post the video of me falling into your arms. Why couldn't u have confronted me. Was your love so weak." Don't u dare question my love. I loved u like I loved no one else. You were the first to capture my heart and to let it beat. I saw u and him on that terrace and yes I admit I didn't hear the whole conversation but what I heard and saw broke me. The woman I loved was betraying me. U ask why I didn't confront u would u have told me the truth when u and your entire family were lying to us. Why agree to the contract. Have u ever seen a baby born in six months. Di was due three months later. U said u would leave after six months when di gave birth yet she wasn't due yet. Did u think akash's love for payal was weak he would listen to me and stop the wedding. Why couldn't u have told akash or even nk the truth. You and your entire family did not trust my family. The relation you built with my family seemed irrelavant. Why couldn't u tell akash. You forgot one important thing Ms Gupta my brother is not me .I apologised and asked for forgiveness for a week  five years ago yet u threw it in my face. Yes I was a monster to u and again I am sorry but u can't keep seeking forgiveness from some one who can't forgive a person like me. I am not the arnav I was five years. I am truly sorry and maybe my love wasn't enough. I wish u all the happiness in the world khushi and maybe one day u will find your true love. Maybe I never deserved you and I never will. Maybe the love we shared was weak or ad u said fake. After all I am the great ASR right. If u want a divorce I won't object. You don't have to keep yourself in this relation due to a sense of duty to me and my family. Sometimes its better to let a sinking ship sink. Again I am sorry. Goodnight" .and he walked out.

Khushi fell to her knees. He was giving up. How could she question his love. She knew it was real she saw it in his eyed felt it in his actions. She found herself going back to a memory.
Khushi had made kheer for everyone and anjali had asked her to serve arnav. On her way she had bumped into him and prepared for a verbal lashing when he guided her to sit." Is that for me". He had proceeded to feed himself using her hand." You know even though it has no sugar eating it from your hand has made it sweet". He had fed her when she choked. As he went to fetch water she had seen anjali." Are u OK here have some water" "I do not need your fake sympathy no one is watching". She hardly noticed the flash of pain across his face before he masked it behind arrogance.

He had always hurt her but hurt himself more hurting her. She suddenly remembered all those moments when hurt flashed through his eyes when he hurt her. Had she broken her already broken husband. He was right. No one judged her family for lying. They forgave her family. So why couldn't they forgive him .She rushed downstairs to stop him. As she opened the door the car zoomed out.

Arnav was angry how could she question his love. Yes he was a beast but he loved her. He was so lost in thought that by the time he saw the dog it was too late. He dodged it but crashed into the ravine and into a tree. By the time he regained consciousness his forehead was bleeding. A piece of metal had impaled his side. He grabbed his phone and speed dialed aman." Aman I've been in an accident track the car. I'm losing a lot of blood"." Arnavji are u OK ". Damnit his speed dial one was still her. He called aman." Track the car I'm bleeding to death". And he hung up. When aman arrived he was pale. They immediately took him to the hospital. Khushi was worried. Was he OK. She called aman. "Which hospital and don't lie aman he called you"."patkhush hospital".

"Mr mathur  we need a relative's signature to go ahead with the operation"." Will his wife's signature do" khushi asked. The doctor nodded.

Khushi and aman sat waiting for any news. The doctor walked out. "I am happy to say he is OK. No vital organ were hit. By the way Mrs Raizada how did he get bullet wounds to his back and the stab wounds. Honestly he is lucky to be alive". "That's enough doctor I'm sure u have patients to see". Khushi was shocked bullet and stab wounds. As far as she knew arnav had no scars."what is he talking about aman". "Nothing ma'am shall we see ASR". Aman allowed her in.

He was fine a few hours ago. They really needed to talk without lie secrets and half truths. She kissed his forehead before going out to buy coffee. As soon as she left arnav opened his eyes and smiled s bit. As aman entered the smile vanished and was replaced by the face  of The King and he looked furious." I didn't call her u did since she is speed dial one. And there is something else she knows about the bullet wounds". Aman felt the room grow cold

           Author note
Hy guys its been a while.
So to some of your comments u said arnav was a monster why did he want her to suffer. So I hope I cleared that up in this chapter that he doesn't want her to suffer.

Also u guys I admit arnav was a monster when he posted the video of her falling in his arms. Insulting her character. Calling her a gold digger. But he made her happy. Saved her when the car nearly hit her in the rain. When he took care if her in nanital when she was sick

Also did khushi really think akash would stop the wedding. Any way those are my thoughts.
Check out this Arshi book called REALITY CHECK it shares some of my views

Thanks for the votes comments and reads':) love u.

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