prologue + 1

721 229 176


Location: Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, Japan.
Time: 03:18am
Team: E (Eclipse)
Status: Ready to engage

"You wouldn't believe that we're in Shibuya right now would you"
"I don't think anyone would at three am in the morning, moron"

Shibuya. Home to one of the most iconic squares in modern day Japan. Popular amongst the young, youth fashion and culture creating trends daily. Nightclubs and the blaring neon signs usually splashed colour onto the streets until late, definitely a beating heart within the 23 wards of Tokyo. However, once those lights shut off and the trains stopped chasing the ever present sea of people, it was a totally different world.

One would find it almost unrecognizable, not only due to the time, but because of how desolate it was. Usually heaving with bodies, 3am in the morning made it look like a ghost town with only Mother Nature keeping its beady eyes on the concrete jungle. The cool air swept around the towering structures, three abandoned armoured trucks stood alone down on the ground. There was still traffic, not as much as usual. Police numbers were high, security cameras and helicopters sweeping the area every half hour. Perhaps some courageous ghosts and demons would decide to crawl out tonight, who knew, one thing was for certain- something was extremely wrong in Shibuya on this cold night.

It was colder than the average, yet again winter was only around the corner and starting to set in. Not that you'd expect anyone to be out in these conditions, it would be wise to dress appropriately in warmer wear. However, despite this bone chilling weather and now a quite typical sight in this modern day world-

three individuals sat perched on one of the office towers, overlooking the iconic crossroads.

None of them made a move, still as statues, rifles loaded and eyes darting in the dark. Eyes darting like hawks hunting their prey, silently waiting for any moment of life (or the unliving).  The blur of brake lights occasionally blinded them red, they took no apparent interest in mundane things.

Two males, one female. A small party silent amongst the artificial and duller lights of Shibuya's streetlights. Rounds of bullets stashed in bullet proof vests, night vision goggles pushed back onto foreheads. The trio always wondered why they'd been given night vision of all things, it wasn't like they needed them.

After all, Dragon riders could see in the dark.

You read correctly- Dragon riders in Shibuya were only the beginning of this tale, as the world we're in is home to all kinds of magic, that includes the fantastical and legendary.

Dragons? They'd roamed the planet for centuries.

The first to appear had been known as Estellia- a huge creature as white as snow, with huge golden horns and eyes that reflected the galaxy. Discovered in the desert 500 years ago- a lone man on the edge of death had stumbled across him whilst he tried to escape the blistering heat. The man, fearing for his life, was sure the dragon would eat him whole. Yet the creature bowed, shared its scavenged food with him. Furthermore the great dragon even guided the misled man to the safety of a human dwelling, an oasis on the edge of the harsh sands. This tale had spread amongst the desert's travelers and merchants, going as far as worldwide.

Fittingly, the people had worshipped him as if he was a dragon of a god. Soon formerly he wasn't just a beast, he was a legend. For whatever reason Estellia was the first, he wasn't the last. Many reckon he'd been placed on earth to help bring peace to the land, hence why they'd been so divine and worshiped. Tales of the beast's grace and grandeur had travelled the lands- so much so when he passed the people said he'd ascended back to the heavens.

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