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Aki felt bile rise in his throat.

The figure - the male who'd taken down someone as capable and strong as Adonis Cassidy - was stood meters away from them.

"DRAGON RIDERS, I'M TALKING TO YOU!!" A shout and voice disguised by a voice altering device, a cowards way of hiding his identity even further. Raiden wasn't in the mood, he didn't hesitate to pick up the nearest metal pole to him, hurling it with such force that it would impale a human clean. Aki couldn't take his eyes away from the inevitable, the object piercing through the air towards human flesh and blood.

On impact with the figure however, it went clean through.

Clean through a projection.

He wasn't even real.

"He's a hologram?!" Captain Hasagawa's eyes were like saucers, despite knowing the obvious his gun was still firmly tracked on the illusion of a figure. Meanwhile Ara, despite also knowing the threat wasn't here directly, still clung onto Raiden as he snarled viciously at the illusion. Raiden kept his one arm back, as if to shield Ara any potential harm.

He won't hurt her. He can't hurt her. He's not real. He can't hurt her. She's safe. Ara is safe.

What were these words? These protective feelings? The words spun in his head, choked his lungs and filled his eyes. Raiden's only concentration was making sure he kept Ara safe.
Aki didn't need his protection- his signature gun in his hands gave him enough protection and Raiden enough comfort to have him also so near.

"You may not see me this time, but the next time you won't have the chance" He had the majority of his face covered in the projection, only the scar on his cheek visible from under his hood. It was a change from when Adonis had encountered him weeks ago, when he'd had the cheek to face Adonis unmasked.

He'd been expecting Adonis to be six feet under though, so his identity was never a problem from the start.

"Did you create these things?!" Raiden hissed through his teeth, Ara now holding him back as his other hand went to the side, picking up and holding the head of the main dragon that had set it's sights on killing her.

"THE FUCK IS THIS?!" Venom in his voice, bloodlust in his eyes. Aki raised his gun, Ara grabbed two of the knives stored in Raiden's back waistband and held each in her hands.

Fear consumed them all, even in the face of an illusion.

Aki gripped his gun tightly, masking his trembling hands.

"You haven't seen all of my creations yet" A fake voice unnervingly calm, a smile forming on it's face.

This illusion of the man wasn't even human. A monster lurked under that hood, in that smile.

"I've seen your knife work, and it's shit" Ara's voice dripped with venom. Aki held his breath as his knuckles finally went white.

"Ah, Mr Cassidy is still alive? What a shame that bullet didn't kill him sooner" Ara hissed, her hands raising ever so slightly and the knives glinting in the sunlight.

"Who else is on your target list huh? The DRA? The government? What do you want?!" Aki spat.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out" his voice never wavered, unnerving calm in front of some of Japan's strongest.

"YOU COWARD!" Raiden went to lunge again, Ara and Aki this time lowering their weapons to push him back. His illusion was being powered by something, if Raiden ran and especially attacked evidence could be lost. The illusion knew this fact too, more so than anyone. That smile on its face kept getting bigger and bigger, more sinister.

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