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Hello, fannies! I'm back! BeautifulCalamity123 and I just finished writing this new chapter for you! Try not to get a nose bleed.

Also: Birthday shout out to the Bleach character: Lisa Yadomaru


As I stormed down the halls of Los Noches, still infuriated at Grimmjow, I wasn't looking at where I was going and bumped into a hard chest. Looking up, I was greeted with Gin's smiling face.

"Why the long face, Brookie?" He asked.

I looked up at Gin as he towered over me. My cheeks flushed and I sighed. "I don't want to talk about it, Gin."

Gin gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him. 

"I do. I want to talk about."

He suddenly swept me into his arms bridal style and sonidoed us into his room. He then set me down on his large bed, and looked into my eyes.

"What's wrong?"

I ran my fingers through my long brown hair, puffing out a breath. "Grimmjow.." I pressed my hands tightly into my lap, staring downwards. "I read his thoughts. He is cheating on me with Hallibel...We were going to get married, but now...." I trailed off suddenly, feeling lost for another words.

Gin moved his hand and rested it gently over mine. "You shouldn't be upset. Grimmjow doesn't deserve you. He's not worth the hurt."

I shook my head. "When I get ahold of him, he is dead. I can't believe him..."

"Well..." Gin sighed. "You did kinda... cheat on him too... multiple times. How much can a guy take, Brookie?"

The color left my face. Gin was actually right. I had been with Gin, and AIzen, and Ulquiorra previous times while (technically) with Grimmjow. "I guess you have a point..."

"Of course I do. I would never say something that might upset you, if there's no point to it. I never want to hurt you." Gin leaned closer, and held my face in his palms. "You know that... right?"

"Y-yea." My voice cracked slightly and my pulse began to quicken. Damn, he shouldn't get that close and he knows that. Just like how no one else should get that close, or we might end up doing something...

Gin stared at me for a moment before whispering, "I'm very glad that you..." His eyes wandered to my lips. "Understand..." He moved closer. "My feelings." Gin lips gently moved onto mine, as he kissed me sweetly.

My eyes quickly shut and I clenched my hands. "G-Gin..." Then again, nothing was holding me back now. Obviously, Grimmjow didn't want anything to do with me. So I was in a Free to do whatever....and whoever...I wanted.

Gin grabbed my waist and lifted me onto his lap, making me straddle him, and never breaking the kiss. His mouth moved hungrily over mine.

I kissed back without a second thought, running my fingers through his light hair as my body pressed against his. Geez, Grimmjow didn't compare to kissing Gin. It was like each of them had some different way to kiss. Grimmjow was hot and ravaging. And Gin was spontaneous and...wild.

Gin's hands traveled from my waist, down so that they rested on my butt. He smiled into the kiss, before swiftly swiping his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance.

I opened my mouth slightly, letting my own tongue toy with his for a moment before pulling it into my mouth. My arms snaked around his neck and I smiled against his lips.

I felt one of Gin's hands slip under my shirt and rest on my side, slowly moving upward. He pulled his lips away from mine, and began planting kisses over my neck.

I laughed a little and pulled his lips back up to my own, biting his bottom lip and blushing a bit, feeling him shiver.

Gin chuckled. "Ow..." His hand slid further up my shirt, his finger tips dangerously teasing the bottom of my chest. "Bad girl."

I gently pushed his hands back down to my hips, pressing my face into his neck and kissing his jaw. "Bad boy."

Gin grabbed the bottom of my shirt, and ripped it all the way up to my ribs. "No. THAT deserves a 'bad boy'."

I tackled him to the bed. "I'll punish you for that."

Gin looked at our position; him laying on his back me and straddling his waist. He grinned.

"This is what you call punishment?" He chuckled and pulled my face down towards his. "You're not very good at dicipline, are you?" He pulled me into another passionate kiss.

When we pulled away, I whispered, "I can punish you if I have to."

Gin laughed. "How how do you  plan on doing tha-"

He was interrupted by his bedroom door being slammed open by a short, bruenette, arrancar girl.

"Hey, you two, cut it out!" She marched over to us and grabbed my shirt, pulling me off of Gin and to my feet. "I need to talk to this girl!"

"H-Hey!" I looked at the girl, bewildered. "Who are you?!"

"I'm Tohru Onigiri. Fraccion of the number one ranked espada; Stark. Nice to meet you!" She held out her hand for me to shake.

I shook her hand gently, still speculative of the girl. "Hello..."

She roughly grabbed my hand while it was still in her's and proceeded to drag me down the hallway.

"Come on! You've gotta go see Aizen."

"Why? Is something wrong? Why do I have to see Aizen?" My feet followed her, but my body desperately didn't want to see him. God knows what would happen.

"Dunno." Tohru shrugged as she pushed me through the doors to Aizen's throne room and ran away.

"Brooke..." I heard Aizen's velvety voice say from behind me. I turned to face him. "How wonderful of you to come and see me."

He stepped down from his throne and walked towards me, until his body was dangerously close to my own.

"I heard about you and Grimmjow... It must be very painful. If there is anything I can do to help. Please tell me.

"I'll be fine, my Lord." The words stuck bitterly to my tongue. Ugh. Aizen.

Aizen gently grabbed my face and titled it so that it was looking up at him.

"No. You're not fine Brooke." He sighed, gently stroking my cheek with his index finger. "I want to help you. But I want you to want me to help you. I am done manipulating and controlling you. Will you let me help?"

"I dunno. Last time you said that, I was banished." I growled, shivering slightly as he touched me. "Can I trust you?"

Aizen inclinded his head and captured my lips with his own. He kissed me pasionately, before pulling away and whispered, "Yes... You can."


I hope you have enjoyed this chapter.

Brooke and I will be writing a new fic soon. A funny one. Keep an eye out for it.


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