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"Brooke," Aizen said, approaching me in his throne room, "I called you here to tell you that preparations have been made for a gathering tonight, where we will announce to all of Los Noches that we are to be wed."

I smiled at my fiance and nodded. 

Aizen smirked and sat in his throne. "Come here." 

I obeyed and approached him, squealing when he pulled me down to straddle his lap. 

I stared into Aizen brown eyes as his face reached up to cup my face, slowly pulling it towards his. My stomach did flips and butterfly swarmed my entire body. His lips finally brushed mine, and I felt like I was on fire. His tongue slipped into my slightly parted lips, and I sighed, enjoying the feeling. 

He pulled away and smirked at me, "Hm, I could get used to this. Couldn't you, Mrs. Sousuke?" 

I blushed slightly and nodded. "Yes, I could, Mr. Sousuke." 

I pulled him back for another, deep kiss. This time I took the reigns, as I licked and bit his bottom lip. I grinned when I felt him shudder beneath me. 

Aizen chuckled. "I think you're too sexy for your own good. You attract all the wrong guys." He said tauntingly, as his hands slid down to my butt. 

I jumped slightly and smirked. "No, no, no... I'm not gonna be that easy... even for you." 

Aizen grinned. "Good. I love a challenge." He stood, setting me down on his throne, and towered over me. "If you take my shirt off, I'll let you do whatever you want to me." He chuckled mischievously and winked. 

I quickly stood and placed my hands on his chest, staring up at him with lustful eyes. "Hm..." With a quick yank, I ripped his shirt from his body, leaving his muscular torso exposed. His pants were low-rise, so I could see the V shape on his abdomen, covered in a suggestive trail of hair disappearing beneath the waist line of his white pants. 

I continued to stare as I allowed my fingers to gently run over his abs. 

Aizen placed a finger under my chin, and lifted my face to finally look at him. "Like what you see?" He asked. 

I grinned. "I love it." 

Aizen's hand traveled to the hem of my fraccion shirt. "Hm, this won't do anymore. These clothes aren't meant for a queen. I might as well throw them away, right?" 

My eye widened but before I could protest my shirt was ripped from my body, leaving me exposed to him, in just my black, lacy bra. 

"Mm, lovely choice in under apparel. I love lace." He said, his eyes never leaving my breasts. 

I blushed a bright red, and looked down. "Geez... That kinda took me by surprise." 

Aizen ignored my remark and began to kiss my neck and collar bone. My heart beat accelerated when I felt his large hands firmly grasp my rear. 

"Mm, you're so innocent, my dear. I do love that about you." He mumbled against my shoulder, wish he was delicately kissing. "But..." He continued, "If you're going to be my queen," He pulled away to stare at me, his expression serious, "You must be cold and ruthless, willing to kill and do anything for me." 

"Yes, I know." I said, a little taken aback. 

"I don't think you do know, love. You haven't killed anyone since you came here. You came close to killing Rukia, but were almost killed by that pest of a substitute soul reaper, Ichigo." 

I looked down, ashamed. "Yes, I know." But then I defiantly looked back up at him. "But I am not weak! I can kill someone if I have to." 

Aizen took a step back and held his arms open wide. "Stab me." 

'Til Death Do Us Part [Bleach Fan Fiction: sequel to Be My Fraccion?]Where stories live. Discover now