Sealed With A Kiss

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Shortly after Aizen kicked Grimmjow out, he ended the party and sent everyone out of the room. 

I was left sitting in my seat, holding my head in my hands, and thinking about what had just happened. I couldn't bear the thought of Aizen hurting Grimmjow. I just couldn't. But what was I supposed to do? I had really made a mess of things. 

"Brooke," I heard Aizen say, as he gently placed his fingers under my chin and tilted my head upwards to look at him, "What's wrong?" 

What's wrong? Every thing is wrong. I think I love you, but I also love Grimmjow. And I don't want anyone to get hurt, but I know that, no matter what I do, somebody will get hurt. It may even be me. 

"Nothing. My head just hurts." I responded dishonestly. 

Aizen's eyes narrowed as he examined my face. "Did that bastard hurt you?" 

I sighed. "No. I would have kicked his ass if he did. I'm fine." 

Aizen nodded. "Okay. You can go back to my room and rest." I watched as an angry and passionate fire burst into his eyes. "I will go and take care of Grimmjow." 

I looked down to hide the tears swelling in my tired, lifeless hazel eyes and whispered, "Alright." 

I made my way to Aizen's room, and when I finally got inside and was alone, I let the tears pour down my face and let out a frustrated cry. 

"Gah! What am I supposed to do? I can't let him hurt Grimmjow!" 

Suddenly the door opened and Tohru walked inside, shutting the door behind her. 

"You're not going to let him hurt him, are you?" She asked in a serious tone. 

I didn't bother questioning why it mattered to her, Tohru was impossible. I simply shook my head. "No, I can't let him hurt him, Tohru. But what do I do?!" 

Tohru let out a frustrated sigh. 

"He's your fiance, Brooke! If anyone can talk some sense into him, it's you. Stop sitting around and letting all of the decisions be made for you. If you don't want Grimmjow to get hurt, don't let him get hurt! Aizen is already at his room though, so I would suggest you hurry!" 

I gasped and quickly dashed out of Aizen's room, and into Grimmjow's and saw Aizen and Grimmjow standing with their swords, in fighting stances. Obviously a fight was about to start. Neither of them noticed me come in. 

Grimmjow yelled at Aizen, "I told you, you bastard, she doesn't really love you! She loves me! I can make her happy! You can only make her think she's happy!" 

Aizen glared. "I'm telling you again, Grimmjow, do not speak to me with such disrespect. She loves me. Except it, Espada." 

I stared at them both in horror. What have I done..?

Without another word, Aizen swung his sword at Grimmjow, but Grimmjow quickly dodged it and attempted to stab Aizen in the chest. Aizen vanished just before the sword made contact with his flesh, only to reappear behind Grimmjow and slice directly into his right shoulder. Grimmjow fell to the floor with a groan, holding his bleeding shoulder. 

"Tch, weak." Aizen scoffed. 

I screamed and ran to Grimmjow's side. 

"STOP! Both of you, stop it!" 

Aizen's eyes widened at me. "Brooke? What are you doing? It's not safe for you to be here. Go back to my room!" 

I growled and continued to kneel beside Grimmjow. "NO." 

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