S1- Blurred Lines

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Carlos wakes up to the sunlight streaming in through his curtains. His first thoughts drift to TK. He grabs his phone, the text he wanted to send still typed out. He sighs and drags himself out of bed, forcing his thoughts on getting ready for the day. Carlos doesn't have a shift today, which is torture for him since he has nothing to distract himself with. He also knows for a fact that TK doesn't have a shift until late afternoon. He definitely didn't look into that earlier. He's currently laying on the couch, trying to do anything but think about a certain someone and as he checks his phone for what feels like the millionth time today he sighs frustratedly.

TK checks his phone again. He knows that he is meant to be paying attention to Owen but he can't help checking, just in case someone texted him. He is thankful that both him and Owen had the morning off so they could go grocery shopping together. They had been spending a lot of time together since they moved to Texas, but not a lot of time just the two of them. When Owen asked him to go with him he was grateful for the distraction. He had been lying in bed all morning, he had woken up frustrated about his feelings still and willed himself not to check his phone.

"What do you think about fish for tonight?" Owen asks, pulling TK out of his thoughts.

"Eh. Fish is okay."

"Are you doing alright? You seem distracted today." Owen asks, placing a hand on TK's shoulder. TK looks up slowly and forces himself to maintain eye contact.

"Yeah, just didn't get enough sleep last night." He says with a forced smile, he hates lying to his father but he doesn't even know how he would explain the situation he's in.

"You promise you would tell me if anything is going on right?"

"Of course dad." TK says with a true smile as Owen pulls him into a hug.

"Alright, alright." TK says with a laugh.

Carlos opens his eyes quickly when he feels his phone vibrate on his chest. He sits up and smiles at the text: you busy? He takes a minute to weigh the consequences of the decision he is about to make, and also not to seem too desperate. No, you want to come over?

"Hey, I'm going to run a quick errand before my shift." TK says as he pulls on a shirt. Owen nods at him from the dining room table.

As soon as TK steps out of his car he sees Carlos sitting on the steps in front of a gorgeous townhouse. Carlos looks up at him and smiles, which pulls a smile from TK as well.

"Hey." TK says fidgeting with his keys as he gets closer to the man sitting in front of him.

"Hey." Carlos responds as he gets up. TK looks down for a minute and when he catches Carlos's eye again there is something there that wasn't there before. "You want to come inside?" Carlos asks. TK steps closer and grabs Carlos's waist.

"Is this okay?" He asks cautiously. Carlos can barely breathe out a yes. They are making out before they even get inside. Carlos opens the door and pulls them both inside, his hands on TK's neck. TK pushes him against the door as Carlos unbuttons his shirt. He can feel TK smiling against his lips and does the same. He moves for TK's neck and pushes them both against the wall. TK's hands are on Carlos's neck again as Carlos grabs his neck to support them as they stumble backwards, into another wall. TK pulls his shirt the rest of the way off as Carlos goes after his neck. Carlos pushes a shirtless TK backwards onto the couch, pulling his shirt off afterwards. Carlos pats TK's hips before he adjusts himself on top of him. TK's hands are resting above his head on the arm of the couch. Carlos is kissing him again and then they are rolling off of the couch. Carlos grunts half in pain and half in pleasure and TK can't help but laugh. Carlos smiles against TK's lips, he absolutely loves the sound of TK's laugh.

"Wow. You are. You are really good at that." Carlos says as he stretches on the couch. He watches as TK slips into his shoes.

"You're not too bad yourself." TK says with a smirk. He grabs an orange from the bowl on Carlos's dining room table.

"Wow. You're not even going to catch your breath?" Carlos asks as he sits up. TK grabs his shirt and begins putting it on as he responds.

"I got a shift. 36 minutes to go eight miles?" TK scoffs and Carlos smiles at him from the couch. "Geez. I thought I left the crazy traffic in Manhattan."

"Hey. How about we go for round two and then you could let me drive you? Flip on the light bar and siren."  Carlos leans a little closer to where TK is standing, smiling even bigger than before.

"You're sweet. And very hot." TK says as he walks in front of Carlos to the other side of the couch. Carlos bites his lip as his eyes follow TK's ass. TK kneels down and grabs something from under the couch. "But I kind of just like to zone out and listen to music before work so..." TK starts for the door. Carlos smiles up at him.

"Totally." TK opens the door and starts to leave. "Text me." Carlos tries one more time as the door slams shut. Carlos falls backward onto the couch, smiling. He really did not think this was where the day was headed, but really glad it did.

TK isn't even upset when he ends up being late for work. No one actually seems to notice except for Paul who sends him a questioning look but gets nothing in reply.

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