S1- Bird Box

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"You got a spring in your step Captain, you get laid or something?" TK shouts down to his dad. He knows that he is a complete hypocrite but he doesn't even care. He's been in such a good mood since leaving Carlos' earlier. He tunes back into the conversation the others are having as Michelle mentions something about Owen looking good bald. TK laughs because he knows that his dad would much rather die than lose his hair.

"You have an irrational fear of losing your hair." TK points out right before the alarm is going off, drowning out whatever Owens response was going to be.

Later that night, when TK is still on shift, desperately trying to get some sleep he's awoken by Owen.

"You good dad?"

"Yeah, go back to bed." Owen says as he gets up. Except now that TK is up his mind is busy once again. He flops back onto his stomach, arms wrapped around his pillow as he listens to the rest of the crew breathing. He can't help but remember earlier that day. The way that Carlos looked, and smelt. Oh god he smelt so good. And his muscles, god damn. TK fell back to sleep cuddling his pillow and imagining it was a certain police officer.

The next day they are both called out to an emergency at an office building. Carlos was one of the first people at the scene. He takes one look at the body on the ground and the broken window, and begins giving orders to the other first responders. He makes his way up to the infected floor and begins his investigation.

"It was like something straight out of bird box." One of the unaffected says. Carlos furrows his brow in confusion.

"Bird Box?"

"You know, Sandra Bullock?" Nancy asks but Carlos is still confused. There's not much time for explaining though because suddenly someone else is trying to jump. Carlos grabs them and pulls them to the ground. As more people head for the windows Carlos calls for backup. He grabs as many people as he can and holds them down. And all he can do is watch in horror as another person jumps.

By the time ladder 126 gets there two more people have jumped. It only takes Paul about five minutes to start figuring it out.

"Is he doing a thing?" Carlos asks. TK hadn't even noticed him walking up from behind him. He smiles as he replies.

"He's totally doing a thing."

The next morning TK's thoughts are racing as he lies in bed. He has been working really hard to keep up his sobriety but there are some days that he doesn't believe he'll make it. He closes his eyes and forces himself to breathe, in and out, in and out. He opens his eyes, looking around his room for any type of distraction. He decides to finally start unpacking. He was hoping that his dad was just kidding about them living together, but seeing as the weeks keep flying by and TK is still there, that doesn't seem to be the case. He spends the next few hours tearing apart each box in his room.

"What happened here?" Owen asks, making TK jump.

"God dad, you scared the shit out of me. I'm unpacking."

"I can see that. But why does it look like a category 5 hurricane just blew through here." Owen jokes as he scans the mess.

"It's not that bad."

"You're right it's worse." TK sighs and looks around the room. He probably could have gone about this better.

"Anyway," Owen begins changing the subject. "I was going to order dinner. Do you want something?"

"A cheeseburger would be great, thanks." TK says turning towards a new box.

"A cheeseburger?" Owen asks, brow furrowing.


"You only ever order cheeseburgers when you are upset. Is everything alright?" TK turns to face his dad again.

"Yeah, I'm just feeling a little stressed. And this," he motions to his room, "was meant to help."

"I see. Do you want to talk about it?" Owen asks cautiously.

"No, it's alright." TK says with another sigh.

"You'll let me know if that changes right?"

"Of course dad."

"Well, I will leave you to this." He motions around the room and TK grins at him. "Love you." He calls from down the hall.

"Yeah, I love you too." TK says quietly as he turns back to his boxes.

When he has finally cleared away all the boxes and figured out where most of the stuff goes, he sits down on his bed to relax. He spots his phone hiding under the pillow and picks it up. He hasn't checked it all day, trying to give him some space from the rest of the world.

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