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She gets to the park early so she can set up and make sure everything is perfect. The devilish side to Cass wanted him to see how much effort she put into a simple picnic with him, so he would feel as guilty as possible when she dropped the bomb on him that she knew he was cheating. She picked out a light blue floral sundress that she had been saving for a special occasion, she just didn't think the special occasion was going to be breaking up with her boyfriend. Her hair hung around her shoulders in soft curls and she had put on far more makeup than she would normally wear for a lunch date. She still had no idea what she was going to say, or how it would all go. She's torn between depressed and mad. She hears a motorcycle approaching. She had been around them enough to know the difference in the motors, like a heart beat, every one is different. She sighs without looking up, "Angel." Cass turns and sees Angel parking his bike next to her car. She suddenly jumps to her feet wanting to sprint to him out of a irrational fear that something happened to EZ, but her legs stay cemented in place. She watches him take his helmet off in slow motion. He finally looks up as he starts to walk towards her and reads the panic on her face. He waves his hands at her mouthing the word "relax" as he walks towards her.

"Where is he?" She gasps, realizing she has been holding her breath. "Where is he? He said he would be here!"

"Calm down, Patty Panic. He got stuck at the yard. Padrino rolled into town. He tried calling you but you didn't answer. He didn't want you to worry, so I said I would come by." Angel grips both of her shoulders with his hands, running them up and down to soothe her. He understood her anxiety, but felt something different in her concern. "Why you so amped up?"

"Nothing. Never mind. I must have left my phone in the car." She looks back at her black Mercedes trying to cover the disappointment on her face. She turns to the picnic blanket she just laid out and shrugs. "Well then, don't suppose I could interest you in joining me for a lunch date?"

"Ohhhh, I don't know. I mean, I'm here, so I might as well." Angel smirks at her trying to get her to cheer up. She gives him a weak smile and he puts his arm around her shoulders, walking with her towards the blanket. "You look very pretty today." Well at least someone appreciates my effort.

"Thanks." She rests her head briefly on his shoulder as they walk, her mind was racing and she was afraid saying anything else would result in a full-blown meltdown. She didn't want to drag him into the middle of this. The arm around her shoulder makes her feel better for a minute. He always made her feel better. When they reach the blanket Cass drops to her knees and curls her legs under her. Angel lays on his side opposite her and starts to dig in. They sit in a comfortable silence watching kids play on the playground nearby. Cass is trying to smile and put on a brave face, but the wheels in her head keep spinning. He lied. He never lies. Has he been lying this whole time? Why not show up? Because he can't face me?

"So, you wanna talk about it?" Angel has pushed his sunglasses to his head and stares at her. The sun dances through the branches of the tree she put the blanket under and she admires the golden flecks that sparkle in his dark brown eyes, just like his brother. She realizes she's barely touched the sandwich she has in her lap.

Cass rolls her eyes and places the sandwich to the side. "I'm fine."

Angel takes another bite of his sandwich but doesn't stop staring at her. "Out with it." Cass looks away from him and stares off into space, trying to figure out what to say. This was his brother and this was a big accusation.

"Did I ever tell you about the time I beat the shit out of Juan when I caught him cheating?" She laughs to herself as she replays the scene in her head. She generally kept a cool head, but that day she had completely lost her mind.

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