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Two weeks later Cass is again standing in front of a large mirror admiring herself in her wedding dress. Teresa, Kitty, Jack and Leti are laughing and getting final touch ups on their makeup. Out the window she can see the church from the room she got at the Inn across the way. Through the curtains she can see the men had just arrived on foot. The photographer she hired trailing behind them taking candid shots. She had managed to get them to agree to forgo their kuttes for the church, but asking them to wear a suit or tuxedo had seemed out of the question to her. Cass had told EZ to work it out with his brothers, and whatever they wanted would be fine by her. She assumed jeans and shirts might be the best she could hope for. She squints through the sunlight and gasps, they're all in grey suits. Some had opted for no tie, having simple white shirts unbuttoned, but Cass sees EZ and Angel both wearing full three-piece suits with black ties. All the men had red roses pinned to their lapels.

"What is it? Whose out there?" Leti moves over first, as Cass is fanning her face to fight tears from ruining her make up. Kitty throws open the doors to the balcony as Cass slinks away so she cannot be seen.

"Oye! Where's the GQ shoot?" Leti yells down to the men as Kitty whistles at them. The shouts and whistles are returned as the women all looked beautiful. They each had chosen their own dresses, but all wore black. After the catcalls died down, the woman backed into the room closing the doors behind them.

"I cannot believe they are in suits!" Kitty is shocked. "I don't think I have ever actually seen Obispo in a suit, in my entire life. This is truly a momentous occasion."

"Good thing I sprung for the photographer so we have proof of it forever." Cass laughs. They start to collect their things to head to the church once Jackie has confirmed all the men, including EZ had moved inside. As Teresa moves towards the door there is a knock. She looks back at the girls who all just shrug. Cass instructs her, "Open it, I guess."

Teresa pulls the door open to reveal the hotel manager standing there holding a large bouquet of roses, which Teresa accepts. She places them down on the console table by the door. "Well, it looks like my future son-in-law has some sense in him." Teresa fishes the card in a gold envelope off the flowers and hands it to Cassidy.

Cassidy flips the envelope open smiling, only to have her smile fade and her fingers begin to tremble as she pulls the card out to read it.

"What is it? Whose it from?" Jackie questions having flashbacks of the last unwelcome bouquet she had received on Cass' behalf.

"To my darling princess, Cassidy Rose on her wedding day. May this day of love and happiness be everything you have dreamed of. Congratulations on beginning a new chapter of your life. Love, Papa." Cassidy can't even believe she had managed to read the words out loud. She looks up at her mother who has her hand over her mouth. "You told him?"

"He called last week. Wanted to see how you were doing. He's your father Cassidy, of course I told him." Teresa looks at her softly. Teresa did not think Cassidy would ever find out. Cass blinks back tears and swallows hard. Quite a few things run through her mind, but she doesn't want to say them. Since speaking with her mother over the last few weeks, Cass has realized maybe, just maybe, she should have been kinder to her father. That it might be possible to give him a second chance, or at best, keep him at arm's length as she had with her mother for so many years until he proved himself. She had seen a lot in her life in the last several years, and had loved men that had probably done things similar to her father. Maybe there was a redeeming quality in him, and at best, he seemed to care about her.

"Alright, well. Let's go get me married, shall we?" Cass decides to leave it alone. She takes the slight pang of guilt she feels for her behavior and pushes it away. She does not want to have regret about anything on this day. Maybe she should have reached out to her father about the wedding like her mother had suggested but it was too late now. The women all simply nod at her as she moves towards the door. Jackie falls in step behind her, gathering her dress from dragging on the floor.

When they get to the church Cass notes some of Galindo's security men out front. She recognizes some of them, but not all, and is slightly surprised how many they were. The Galindos themselves were invited only a week ago, at Padrino's request. It was the first time Cass had ever said the word "No" to Padrino, and he had fully expected such a reaction, however, the Club and Galindo were currently on very good terms and Padrino was hoping to cement the parameters of their relationship by letting Galindo believe he was part of their inner circle. But did he have to bring his whole army?

Once in the church Cass takes her mother's arm and prepares for her walk down the aisle. The butterflies in her stomach settle as she takes deeps breaths, hearing the music begin to play. Ahead of her the church doors open and Leti starts down the aisle followed by Jackie and Kitty.

"Ready for the rest of your life my love?" Teresa squeezes Cass' hand before pulling the blusher part of her veil over her face. Cass just nods and smiles, afraid to speak. "Okay, let's go." Teresa leads her to the threshold of the door where they stop briefly and Cass immediately locks eyes with EZ who lets out a breath when he sees her and smiles. Angel pats his shoulder, also smiling. Cass sees Angel lean in and whisper in EZ's ear, and EZ nods his head and then laughs. Cass can only assume Angel had offered him one last chance to run. EZ looks back her and his face suddenly becomes serious as Cass takes her first step forward. She instinctually scans the room and notes all those in attendance, before her eyes fall on a man standing just to her left in the back row. She stops abruptly and turns, now facing her father and Charlie directly behind him. They're both softly smiling.

"Ve mi hija, your husband is waiting." Her father smiles at her and nods down the aisle at EZ. Cass looks  back down the aisle and sees all the men look ready to fly down the aisle to her side. She briefly releases her mother's hand and holds it up to them, before turning back to her father.

"It's a day of new beginnings Papa. Come on." Cass shuffles her bouquet between her hands and holds one hand out to him, guiding him to her side to join her and her mother.

Her father looks at her wide eyed, "Estas segura?" Cass turns back to her mother who is teary eyed and nodding. The trio turn together and walk down the aisle that seems to be twenty miles long to Cass. She tries her best to take in the scene. She steals another glance at her Father who seems to walking better than he had at her house a few weeks ago, a sudden confidence and pride have returned to him. Roberto turns to look at her also ever so slightly, and gives her a wink, patting her hand. Cass sees Miguel staring intently, clearly her father's presence was a surprise to everyone. Once they reach the end of the aisle, Cass turns and kisses her mother first, and then turns to her father. Without a word he raises her veil and kisses both cheeks before hugging her. "Thank you, mi amor." EZ steps forward and Roberto shakes his hand. "Treat her well mijo."

"Always, Sir." EZ nods at him solemnly as he takes Cass' hand. They finally turn to face each other as the Priest waits for Roberto to make his way to his seat. Cass watches and sees Charlie had followed him up the aisle and was now guiding him into a closer pew. She looks back at EZ who is beaming. She instantly forgets about her Father, the Galindos, and the joint army they had formed around the church.

"Well, that was some entrance." EZ smirks at her. Cass laughs and rolls her eyes.

"Nice suit you got on there." Cass smirks back. EZ chuckles and squeezes her hands in his.

"You look really, really beautiful." EZ beams. "Ready?"

Suddenly, Angel pops up over EZ's shoulder and whispers "Hey, same offer, I got my bike at the border if you wanna change your mind." Cass laughs and shakes her head no. "Okay. You look really pretty. Have fun." Angel waves and steps back laughing. EZ and Cass both smile at each other, and Cass has to resist the urge to kiss him as they turn towards the priest to start the ceremony.

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