twenty five

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A/N: Before this chapter starts, I wanted to note the song I linked. There's a part within the chapter where I suggest you start playing, so keep an eye out for that! It will enhance the reading experience and I hope you love it! Enjoy!


I've been to hundreds of fashion shows in my life. I've grown accustomed to that type of environment and the craziness that comes with it. My ears have ached listening to loud music blasting through large professional speakers, I've been pushed around in a crowd trying to get things done, and I've been blinded by the flashing white lights capturing the models. I know what it's like and I have never been bothered by it. Sure, it was intense, but it was part of my job, and the thrill was exhilarating. 

But when I stepped outside my building, it was like nothing I've ever experienced before. The flashes were so much closer, the noise overwhelming as they shouted my name. I held up a hand, blocking the flashes from my face, trying to shield my identity but it was useless. They knew who I was, and where I worked. 

"Beverly Gold!" They called.

"Are you the one dating Harry?" Another exclaimed. 

I froze in my tracks, shifting my upper body to try and hide. I could feel myself squinting, frowning at the brightness that was hitting my face. I turned around quickly, reopening the door I just walked through, and hid from the glass doors on the side of the wall, my back against it. My chest was moving up and down quickly due to my heavy breathing. I felt hot, small beads of sweat forming at my hairline. 

"Bev?" Francie calls out, her eyebrow raised in confusion. My eyes dart over to hers, my body stiff as my head lay against it still. 

"Did you know they were out there?" I question, not meaning to sound as alarmed as I did as the words came out. 

"Who?" She frowns, clearly not knowing what I was talking about. 

"The paparazzi." I mutter, finally fumbling my hands to reach into my purse. I was shaking slightly, the whole ordeal shocking and unexpected. I pull my phone out, and the screen lights up, revealing a few notifications. There was a text from Harry that I received throughout my work day, that I didn't see until now. 

Text me when you're off work. H.

Still breathing quite heavily, my fingers are slow to call him, and I bring the phone to my ear. The ringing seemed to be taking so long, but he finally picks up. 

"Hey." He says, and even from his voice I could tell he had perked up hearing from me, his tone reflecting delight. 

"Harry..." I breathe, my voice shaky. 

"What's wrong?" I could sense the concern in his voice now, the mood shifting completely. I swallow. 

"There's um..." I pause, unable to contain my nerves. "There's like a herd of paparazzi outside my building right now." 

"Shit. Are you okay?" He speaks calmly, but I can hear movement in the background, and the jingle of his keys. 

"Yeah. I'm fine, just... shaken up." I breathe, and Francie is looking at me intently, her eyebrows furrowed in worry over my state. I nod at her, telling her everything was fine and she seems to relax her shoulders a bit. 

"I'll be right there." He tells me. "Are they still there?" I peek my head so that I can see slightly outside through the glass doors, and sure enough, they were all standing or sitting, waiting for the moment I had to face them again, as I surely couldn't stay there all night. I nod, before forgetting he couldn't actually see me.


"They can't step in the building. Do you have a back entrance?" He asks, and I force myself to swallow the growing lump that seemed to be lodged in my throat. I was trying hard not to cry at this point, trying not to be stressed and anxious about the fact that I was bombarded by yells and strangers. 

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