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I really could listen to her talk forever. The way she spoke about how she loved to look things up just to read up on other people's thoughts just drew me to her so much. I did feel closer to her in a way, and I'm glad I opened up.

I drove home without any music playing, just my thoughts loud in my mind. I thought about when the best time to tell Nadine I didn't want to lead her on anymore was. I was also afraid that what I told her made me seem like a complete ass. But she was right. I shouldn't continue talking to someone if I didn't like them. Once I got home, I texted Beverly just to let her know I was there, per her request. Then I shot Nadine a text as well.

Hi. Need to talk. Meet tomorrow? H.

Sure. Lunch?

See you then.

I sigh, setting my phone down and went to get ready for bed. Why was I so infatuated with this one girl, that I couldn't seem to get my mind off of her? I haven't felt this intrigued by someone since... Townes? But even then, it wasn't the same as this. Townes was sort of like my idea of what life would/could be like if I weren't famous. But Beverly... she was something else. Not just some fantasy. She was real. It was hard to put into words exactly what was running through my head about this girl, but it was definitely different.

This whole night was such a nice change of pace. I appreciated the fact that none of them really knew anyone in the spotlight. In other words they were... people living normal lives. It gets tiring surrounding yourself with people from the industry or being around people who are connected through a whole string of "celebrities." And that's another reason why I think I am so drawn to Beverly Gold. It isn't like she had no idea who she was, but even though she knew, she didn't suck up to me or try to impress me in anyway. And I think that's just what I need.

• • •

The next morning I wake to sunlight peeking through the shades. I roll over to check the time. 8:05 AM. I roll out of bed and hop into the shower to freshen up. After, I throw on a pair of black jeans as always, and choose to wear a patterned button up before heading out. I stop for coffee quickly and grab a few bagels as well. Then, I head over to Beverly's apartment.

The whole drive was me debating whether or not this was a good idea. We're just friends, why not? But what if she gets the wrong idea? And is this just my excuse to see her? What if she's sleeping? I almost turned around many times, however I somehow ended up right outside her apartment door.

My knuckles meet the wood and I knock before I can stop myself. I can hear slight shuffling from inside and the locks turning and I know it's too late to make a run for it. The door swings open. There she stood in an oversized, distressed t-shirt that covered her shorts. I think.

"Harry?" She smiles. Her face looks bright, and awake. Different, but in a good way. I think it's the lack of make-up. But she looked refreshed and beautiful.

"Hi. I erm - I hope it's okay that I showed up. I brought bagels." I hold up the brown paper bag.

"Oh! Of course. Um, come in." She steps aside, her cheeks slightly pigmented red. "I'm sorry about my appearance, I haven't gotten ready yet. And I swear I have shorts on, the shirt's just big." She lets out a laugh, and I can't help but think her appearance is anything but sloppy. She looks beautiful.

"I should've texted. Or called." I say, setting the bagels down. "I also brought coffee." I say, setting down a cup. I felt a bit anxious and nervous. Unsure of what she was really thinking about me showing up unannounced.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do this." She smiles gratefully. "How much was it?" She asks, reaching for her purse.

"Don't worry about it." I wave my hand.

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