thirty one

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The sound of a blaring alarm makes me shoot up in bed as I scramble to turn it off. 6:00 AM. I was exhausted, to say the least, and slump back, not wanting to leave the comfort and warmth yet. I feel Harry's arm slither around my waist as he attempts to snuggle closer. I let my eyes close, and force them open after a few seconds, as I feel myself drifting off already. 

"I need to get up." I whisper. The room was dark and I couldn't tell how light it was outside, as the curtains were highly effective. It seemed like it was still the dead of night. 

"No. Stay." He mumbles, his morning voice raspy and groggy. I feel a kiss planted on my arm, as his hold tightens. 

"I'm gonna fall back asleep if I don't get up now." I giggle. 

"That's fine." He responds. 

"No, I'm gonna be late. I have to be there in 45 minutes." I say, glancing at the clock. "Well, 40 minutes now." 

"Five more minutes." He says, his eyes still closed. 

"Three." I compromise. And he chuckles deeply as I lay back down, staring at the ceiling. 

I allow my thoughts to fill my mind in order to keep me awake. It still felt surreal to me to be sleeping next to Harry, and it wasn't even just because he was Harry Styles. Although that played a part, it was more so that I hadn't been with anyone in so long before him. I had grown so accustomed to being alone, sleeping alone every night, not having anyone to feel deeply about, and all of a sudden, all at once it seemed, he occupied every part of me. 

Part of that was terrifying, and I was still so scared that it would all go wrong at any time, but the other part - the majority of the time - it felt so... wonderful. This kind of romance was all consuming, breathtaking, yet so refreshing. I could feel myself falling so deeply for him, becoming dependent on his presence and his texts and his smile to make me feel something. And part of me hated that.

I glance over at him, sleeping on his stomach, both arms tucked underneath the pillow as his cheek smushed against it. I can't help but smile, the corners of my mouth creeping upwards. This is when I force myself up because I know I could stare forever if I could. 

I tip toe out of the bed, the cold air immediately making me shiver as I make my way to the bathroom. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I shut the door behind me, and get ready for my day.

I stare at my appearance in the mirror as I brush my teeth. My hair was messy and untamed but surprisingly I didn't look exhausted despite the amount of jet lag I had been experiencing. I apply some of the skincare items I packed, and don't bother with makeup as Penelope had mentioned there being a makeup crew at the venue later that would take care of that for us. We also had to have specific wardrobe, so I decide to just get changed into a pair of blue jeans and a casual tee to leave in. 

When I creep out the bathroom, Harry is making the bed, and the sight of him shirtless makes my heart skip a beat. 

"Hey," I speak, and he turns his head briefly, smiling. 

"Hi Pretty." He says, padding over to me. I feel my cheeks flush as he slips his hands around my waist and pulls me in. He plants a quick kiss on my lips. 

"Good morning." 

"Mornin'. How'd you sleep?"

"Amazingly. This bed is a dream." I say. "But you do know that the housekeepers are going to make the bed later, right?" 

"Yeah," He shrugs. "I just like keeping things tidy to make their jobs easier." He tells me, and I'm not surprised at all by this. He walks over to the bathroom, and I gather the rest of my stuff including a bag, my phone, and a few other essentials for the rest of my day. I check my phone for any updates and read one from Penelope. 

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