twenty eight

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"Hello, Milan!" Penelope throws her hands up, announcing herself to no one, but everyone around her. "It feels so good to be on solid ground." She breathes, pushing her sunglasses to the top of her head.

The sun was beginning to set as we landed in the evening, gleaming yellow and orange as we lug our heavy suitcases around. Already, the air felt different than how it was back home. I could feel my skin getting slightly damp as the heat danced around me. Even the architecture around us looked different; filled with history unlike the skyscrapers in L.A.

I squinted at my surroundings, amazed at the view in front of me, and could see Penelope already taking pictures with her phone, and Lucas typing away on his. Behind us, people were filing out of the airport, and I too wanted to get out of here and into the hotel so I could set down my things.

"Car should be here shortly," Penelope says, reading my mind and typing away at her phone.

"Where are we staying?" Lucas asks and Penelope gives a sly smile.

"Okay, so since we're here for fashion, I thought it'd be fitting to stay at the Bulgari Hotel." As she says this, Lucas and I look at each other with wide eyes, unsure if this is a mean joke.

"You're kidding," I raise an eyebrow, waiting for the punch line.

"Guess you'll just have to see it." She shrugs, smiling. At that moment, a sleek, black car pulls out directly in front of us and out comes the driver to carry our bags to the trunk.

"Merci!" Penelope exclaims, and we all shuffle into the car. The windows are rolled down, and I leaned slightly out of it, my hair blowing crazily as I admire the scenery passing us as we drove. It was a scene right out of a movie. The buildings were tall and grand, but looked nothing like a modern skyscraper. Instead, they were carved intricately and cleverly designed centuries ago by famous architects. It was mind blowing.

Everywhere, people were walking, biking, or riding Vespas, and I couldn't help but imagine myself on one, exploring the city and feeling the breeze against me. This feeling was unreal. I couldn't believe we were finally here. Images of myself sipping on a cup of coffee at a table outside of a small cafe flashed through my mind, along with the picture of myself walking through small streets with a camera and a small bag filled with only the essentials. This was perfect.

Shortly after, we arrive at our hotel, standing grand amidst the city of Milan. It was a sight to take in as our car pulls around just in front. I'm quick to get out, eager to take in fresh air and look around at everything surrounding me. My feet hit the stoned pavement quickly, and I take a deep breath in through my nose, allowing the gentle wind to blow through my hair.

"Told you it was the Bulgari." Penelope smirks, pushing her sunglasses to the top of her head and appearing beside me.

"You really outdid yourself, Pen." I laugh, unable to deny it.

"I know." She breathes, half-jokingly. "Come on, let's check in." She taps my shoulder, and I stand for a few seconds alone, before turning around and grabbing the bags the driver has unloaded onto the ground. With a quick thank you, I make my way inside the hotel.

If the exterior was grand, the inside was even more so, with dark walls and floors, glistening from the sun that shone through massive, glass windows. Splashes of green from large plants were the only color in the space. Leather couches lay scattered across the lobby, and it seemed like the hotel stretched for miles with no end; it was so large.

We stride up to the large counter, and Penelope gets our room reservations in order as Lucas and I take in the scene and gape over the luxurious... well, everything. A few short minutes later, Penelope struts over with three pamphlets in hand, handing one to each of us and keeping one for herself.

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