Chapter 1 - Florida

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It's your first day in Florida. You moved here from (s/y/f) / (c/y/f) after graduating from University. You need a cheap place to stay and surprisingly Florida had it. A studio apartment that thankfully allows pets. You have a dog and a cat. Your dog is a mixed breed Great Dane and Newfoundland. He's fucking huge. His name is Cash. And your cat? Oh your cat. She's a Bombay. Her name is Licorice. Both of their coats are all black except Cash's right front paw and his snout are wight. Cash's eyes are a dark chocolatey brown, ironic isn't it. And Licorice's Eyes are a bright yellow. You love them both dearly and struggled to find a place that's in your price range that allows animals. But you did it, And it's in Florida.

You're pulling up to the building and pull up to the side of the road. You don't have a parking place yet so you park along the sidewalk. You hook Cash up to his leash and pick Licorice up. You let them out of the car and walk inside. You talk to the receptionist and successfully get your keys, and a designated parking places 'Yes!' you think to yourself. You quickly bring your animals to your place, first floor, apartment number 102. You close the door, not bothering to lock it, and go to move your car into your parking place. Except, there's someone in your spot! what the fuck! You snap a picture of your license plate and pull back into the "spot" you were in previously. You walk back into your apartment with a few small bags from your car. You drop the bags off next to the door and close it again. You go back out to your car to get your laptop. You have an actual PC and set up on the way in a moving truck but it's not here yet so this will have to do. You make your way back up to your room and lock the door behind you. You sit in the middle of the living area and do some searching.You found the owner of the license plate and turns out he doesn't even live in these apartments. You shut your laptop down and set it on the kitchen counter so Cash cant step on it. You leave your place and lock it, heading down to the receptionist's desk again. You ask the person working the desk if anyone named Clay came in at all today. They reply "Yes, he went up to the second floor to surprise someone with flowers a few minutes before you got here." Flowers huh? "Do you know what kind of flowers he had by any chance?" You ask, they nod. "colored roses, red, pink, yellow, and white." Awesome. "Thank you so much!" You say as you walk away.

You're on the second floor now, walking through the halls until you find a petal or something. Oh! There's one! Yellow, outside of apartment number 207. You knock on the door. No answer. You knock again. You hear the handle jiggle and the door opens. There stands a tall man with blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. You're mesmerized. You forget why you're even there because your lost in his pretty fucking eyes

"Can i help you?" he asks with a tiny chuckle behind his words.

He has a nice voice too.. That sure snapped you out of it. "Oh! Uhm,, hi. Does anyone by the name of Clay happen to be here at the moment?"

He's basically towering you. Though you're average height, he's still tall as fuck. "Uh yeah, that's me. Who's asking?"

FUCK. This can NOT be happening right now. Oh well. He's in your spot. "Hi, is this your plate?" You ask with a smile showing him the photo you took.

"Oh, Mhm." He nods.

"Well, you're in my spot Mr. Clay." You turn your phone off and put it in your pocket. "Mind movin' your car for me?"

"Oh shit my bad!" He rubs the back of his neck. "I'll move it in a sec, if you want to wait here i'll be out in a sec. Gotta put on cloths first." He says, a small blush spreading across his face.

Jesus you were so focused on his beautiful eyes and lovely voice you didn't even notice he had just gotten out of the shower. His hair wasn't wet though,, maybe he blow dried it? you wouldn't know.

"Is that alright?" He asked with a nervous smile on his face.

"Oh shit right sorry! That's fine, go get changed" You laugh awkwardly.

He nods and closes the door. You turn around and lean back against the wall. "He was kinda hot," You admit to yourself, "I wonder who the flowers were for."

—-Time Skip—-

He comes out in a line green hoodie with a black smiley face on it and a pair of black joggers.

"Sorry for the wait." He chuckled lightly.

"Oh no don't you worry Clay, I'd've been fine waiting here for more than the 7 minutes you took" You giggle.

"You timed it?" He looked at you with a raised brow.

"I-" Shit. You're stupid. "Let's go move your car!" You ignore his question and start walking down the hall.

You got to the stairs and just as you were about to take the first step down, he puts his arm out in front of you against the wall on the other side of you. "I never caught your name." He said low in his voice.

That caught you off guard. A pink blush melted onto your face. "I- uhm.. I'm (y/n)." You say quietly.

"Cool name!" He says in his normal voice and removed his arm, allowing you to pass.

"So i saw a flower petal outside your apartment door. Do you live there? Or were your bringing the flowers for someone?" You ask curiously, hoping it wasn't too personal.

"Bringing them. My friend lives there, He's going on a date tonight and didn't have time to get flowers so I picked them up and brought them." He stated, opening the main doors for you so you two can get the parking lot.

"Oohhhh I see," You start, "Flowers are cool."

"Yeah, i guess they are kinda cool." He wheezes.

—-Time Skip—-

You get done moving cars and Clay notices you have boxes in your trunk. "Do you want help with those boxes?" He asked kindly.

"Actually- if you don't mind.." You reply. You could tell this encounter was going to start a beautiful friendship.

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