Chapter 3 - S-teir Simp

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———(y/n)'s POV———
Clay left me his hoodie last night. Well- this morning technically. But turns out he's Dream, and he left me his merch, and it smells like him— God damn he smells good... I- damn. Anyway. It's big on me. Just how I like it. I'll be stealing his cloths more often...

Clay was coming over again today to help me unpack everything that's coming and that's already here. I decided to start on the boxed that were here already. I got another notification from the driver that's bringing my stuff over. It should be here around 10:30. It was 8:30 right now, yeah only 3 hours of sleep but that doesn't matter right now, Clay, Dream himself was going to be in my apartment again today. Of course I couldn't sleep.
~Time Skip~

It was 10 now, I've finished unpacking all of the boxes that were already here. they consisted of personal things rather than household things. CDs, Posters, Candles, Crystals, etc.

I ended up texting dream to see when he would be getting here. "Good morning Clay, just wanted to check in and see when you're getting here, drive here safe!"

And coincidentally less than 5 minutes later I got a text back saying "I just pulled up to the building lol you've got good timing."

That made me blush.. I don't know why?

My thoughts were soon interrupted by a gentle knock at the door. I hop up to open it and there stood Dream. Wow- It's still crazy that I can say that.

I let him in and close the door behind him.

"Here," Clay turned to me, handing me a small paper bag, "I made some cookies last night and thought you might want some, don't judge me if they're not good." He laughed.

I took the bag and looked inside, Chocolate chip. A classic. They looked delicious. I immediately took one out and bit into it. I nearly melted, they were so fucking good. "God damn these are amazing." I compliment with my mouth full.

He chuckled, "Glad you think so.." He said as he pulled me into a hug. His warm embrace had almost the same affect as the cookie did... why?-
~Time Skip~

We had just finished unpacking and setting up furniture. Clay was sitting on my *new* sofa, we tossed the crappy one, and I was decorating. I was humming a small tune as I listened to Clay talk. The sound of his voice made the tune i was humming shift gears into humming his song Road Trip and I didn't even notice. But he did.

"Hey! are you even listening to me?" He says from across the room, "I know you can hear me since you're humming my song."

I ceased humming and turn to look at him. "I was?" I giggle, walking over to sit on the coffee table in front of the sofa, facing him, "Sorry about that Clay, I was in a zone."

We laugh and my face begins getting warmer. Why though? nothing happened to make me Nervous...

"Why's your face getting red? Are you blushing?" He says leaning forward to put a hand on my cheek. "Your very hot." He says blankly.

"Huh?" I hummed, this time actually blushing, "You- I- Uh-" I stutter.

Clay looks at his hand then back into my eyes and leans closer, "Now you are." He says as he leans back into the cushion of the sofa, removing his hand from my face.

I cover my face with my sleeve and stand up, walking back over to where i was, placing the things i had left around the apartment.

Once finished, my face was back to it's normal temperature. Thank god.

"Come over here! I've gotta show you something." Clay beams as he's motioning me over, Licorice is laying on his lap, he's petting her as he looks at his phone with a grin on his face.

I walk over and sit beside him, Cash running up and laying beside the sofa. I scratch his head before turning my attention to the blonde sitting next to me.

He shows me an Instagram post about a Fair this weekend. "Check it out! There's a Fair just 30 minutes from here this weekend, wanna go with me?!" He jumped, startling Licorice, causing her to move to sit between Clay and I.

"Sounds like fun," I contemplated, "Yeah, let's go!"

"YES!" He shouts. "I'll make it super fun i promise!"

I giggle and shush him, "I believe you, now shush, let's watch a movie or something."

He nods and grabs the remote to the TV we just hooked up. It's pretty nice. Wall mounted 57 inch flat screen. He pulls up Netflix and puts on a random movie, not even reading the title or description. He scoots closer to me so licorice is touching both of our legs. "She's really warm," He comments in a shushed tone, "Like your face earlier." He wheezes.

"Hey shut up- i don't even know why i was blushing." I say as a warmth melts over my cheeks once more.

"See?! There it is again!" He laughs.

"Oh alright Dream, it's not like you weren't bushing either." I snap back.

"I-I was?" He asks as a faint pink begins to show on his freckled face.

"Yep! And would you look at that. There it is," I say bringing my hand up to his cheek, "You're very hot." I mock, remembering what he said to me a few hours ago.

His eyes make contact with mine and then fall to look at my lips, causing us both to blush more. He then directs his attention to my eyes again. He furrows his eyebrows and kisses my hand, catching me off guard.

My face shifts from a faint pink to a bright red as I let my hand fall. I rub where he kissed with the thumb on my other hand. "Mm." I hum, averting my attention to the TV.

He snickers and stars petting Licorice.

"That's not fair you know." I pout.

"Oh yeah, How so? You said before you're okay with touch." He teased.

"Yeah b-but damn i wasn't expecting you to elegantly kiss my hand-" I admit.

"If you didn't like it I won't do it again." He turns his head to the TV like I.

"Who said I didn't?..." I sink into the cushions of the sofa, turning my attention back to him.

He turns back, "Then I'll keep doing it." He grabs my hand and kisses it again, placing it back down on top of Licorice.

Well fuck. I'm Blushing again.

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