Capter 2 - New friend?

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We finished getting all of my boxes into my apartment and I was already exhausted. The only furniture I had was a cheap sofa in the living area and a mattress in your bedroom. I threw yourself on the sofa and panted softly. Clay was wiped too. We both sit on the sofa limbs sprawled out over each other.

"Jesus fuck dude i'm so wiped out." Clay groaned.

"Me too dude oh my god." I reply with a whine.

"Wanna get food or something?" Clay suggested.

"Actually yeah, that sounds great," I sigh, "Can i see your phone real quick though?"

He flat out gives it to me no questions asked. I put my number in and sent a text so his number showed up on my phone. I then saved his contact as 'Clay💚' because of the hoodie he's wearing, the first cloths i saw him in, in fact i met him while he was naked- thats hilarious. I burst into laughter as i hand his phone back

"What's so funny (y/n)?" He asked confused with a raised brow.

"Oh nothing, just that the first time we met you were naked." I laugh loudly.

Blush painted his cheeks. "Hah- y-yeah- i kinda forgot about that.." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Don't be so embarrassed, that's what makes our friendship so special," I replied, grabbing his hand from the back of his neck and tossing it into his lap, "There's absolutely no need to feel embarrassed or nervous around me Clay."

"Friendship? DOES THAT MEAN WERE FRIENDS NOW!?" He jumped off of the sofa and jumped up and down nearly falling over.

"Yes Clay, we're friends now." I laugh pulling him back onto the sofa.

"For real? Like you mean it?" He looks at me with glossy eyes.

"Yes stupid." I giggle and grab his face, squishing it and then kissing his forehead. "Hopefully that didn't make you uncomfortable, I'm pretty touchy." I let go of his face.

"No, no don't worry, I'm touchy too." He smiled

I check the time, it's 2:37 am. Oh shit we've been talking for almost the entire day and we know nothing about each other. i mentally face palm and turn to him. "Clay. We've been hanging out all day and we know NOTHING about each other." I pout.

"Oh shit you're right- Well how about i help you unpack tomorrow and we'll go out to eat dinner or something after we're done" Clay suggested.

You were about to answer when you got a notification. I check it and it says that the rest of my stuff will be coming in tomorrow morning. "Well isn't that perfect timing, the rest of my stuff is coming tomorrow morning." I smile at him.

"Perfect!" He grinned.

"Also, i have a question." I look down at his hoodie.

"Shoot." Clay rested his arm on the back of the sofa as he turned so his body faced me.

I turn my body towards him as he did me and asked, "You're wearing dream merch. And you sound familiar. Please, please, please, don't let this ruin anything... But Clay... Are you dream?"

His eyes widened and he leaned a little closer "Ya got me!" He smiled, "I was scared to tell you at first because i thought it would make you view me differently. But either way, i'm glad you realized on your own without me having to bear the pressure of outing myself to you, especially because you've seen my face... So if it's okay with you can we not to selfies or anything? Until we get further into the friendship anyway."

"Oh of course. Don't worry about pictures I'm not super big on the whole documenting every moment of my life thing. I'm more of a memory kind of person. Unless something is so amazingly amazing that i absolutely HAVE to take a picture, I will. But it takes a lot." I blabbered on about how i hate pictures until i caught Clay staring. "Oh! And uh.. would you rather me call you Clay or Dream? I just want to make sure you're comfortable." I said, hoping to snap him out of his little trance.

"Oh- uh- Clay is fine when we're alone or in public but if we're gaming/streaming you can call me Dream. I don't even know if you stream or not so.." He laughs

"I do stream in fact, my PC is coming in tomorrow with the rest of my stuff." I smile.

"Oh awesome!" He beamed, "I'll add you on EVERYTHING as soon as it's all set up."

We continued talking for another good two hours and when I checked the time it was 5:02 am. I turned my phone to show Clay and he immediately shut up.

"Guess I should head home then huh?" He laughs as he stands up and grabs his keys.

"See you tomorrow Dreamy~" I chuckle as I let him out. Cash and Licorice seem to really like him.

———Dream's POV:———
I walk out of (y/n)'s apartment and turn to the door. I start to feel a little hot and I thought it'd be kinda funny to leave my hoodie for them. I mean i do have like 80,000 of them. I take it off and fold it leaving it at their door. I walk to the stairs and pull out my phone, texting them saying "Open your door <3" as I wait for them to open the door and grab it. I peak around the corner of the stairs and see them open the door and look around. They eventually look down and grab the hoodie I had left. I could see them jumping up and down and I could hear a faint squealing giggles. I blush slightly and walk down the stairs making my way to my car. Wow. Isn't that crazy. I just left my hoodie for a person i just met less than 24 hours ago.. Does this count as being a simp?

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