Chaper 4 - Do I Like him?

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———Dream's POV:———
I wake up on a sofa in an apartment that is not mine. I feel a weight on me... I look down to see (y/n) sleeping on my chest. I blush a bit and smile to myself and I carefully place a hand in their hair. So soft... I play with their hair as i grab the remote to click 'Ask again later' on the TV screen to resume the movie we were watching.

I look around and see Licorice, their cat, curled up on (y/n)'s lap. And Cash, He's laying on the floor between the coffee table and the sofa. What a cute bunch. Cash's head is right next to me on the floor. I use my other hand to pet his head. He wakes up and looks at me. He then determines who i am and lays back down. Is it weird that i like it here better than my own place? I wonder if patches would like it here too...

———(y/n)'s POV:———
I wake up feeling a... hand in my hair? I sit up a bit and turn around, making eye contact with dream. Ah, we must have fallen asleep watching the movie.

"Oh shit sorry for falling asleep on you," I began, " i can get up if you-"

"No." he wrapped his arm that he was previously using to pet Cash around my torso and pulled me back down to rest on his chest again.

A blush soon raided my cheeks as I lay there. This wasn't the worse thing to ever happen...

"Stay like this for a little longer, please." He sighed as he began playing with my hair again.

"As you wish." I smile.

We lay and watch random movies for about an hour until i get a notification. I check my phone, it's Twitter. I decide to click on it being dragged down into the depths of the bird app.

———Dream's POV:———
They've been scrolling through twitter for a while. I thought it'd be kinda funny to take their phone. So i did :)

I reach over and snatch their phone out of their hands.

"Hey! Give that back!" They plead looking back at me.

"Hmm... No." I flash a smile and quickly follow myself on their Twitter.

"What are you even doing on there?" They ask turning to lay on their stomach, forgetting Licorice was laying on them. The shadowy cat just hopped off and lay on the floor.

"I'm doing you a favor." I tease as I continue following myself on every platform they had.

"Well in that case, I guess you can continue." They surrender as they scoot up so our stomachs are parallel.

I shoot them a quick smile from under the phone and continue my 'favor'. I then get curious and go to look at what they've saved my name as under out messages. 'Clay💚'? How uncreative. I change it to 'Daddy Dream 💚😩' because i'm hilarious.

I then decide it'd be even funnier if i took a picture for my profile, which was a piece of wonderful fan art they probably got from Twitter. I switch to the camera app and snap a picture of them laying on me and save it as the profile photo. They were oblivious.

I snicker to myself and hand them back their phone after clearing out all of the tabs.

"Here you are darling." I tease as i give them back their device.

A light pink invades their face as they listen to me coo the nickname.

"Darling huh? Well. I guess I need to figure out a nickname for you too then hm?" They tease back.

I could feel my face starting to get hot. "O-Oh yeah? Like what?" I ask nervously

"Like..." They thought, "Dear? Nah. Too cliché."

"What about Dreamypoo?" I chuckle.

"No, no that's uncreative." They avert their eyes to look around for an idea.

"Yeah like the contact name you had me under." I mumbled.

"Had?" They questioned.

Shit they heard that. Well how could they not? they're like 4 inches away from my face. "Uh what?" I dodge.

They shrugged it off thinking it wasn't important. "I can't think of one special enough" They pouted.

"That's okay darling. No rush," I smile down at them and kiss their forehead, "I'm sure whatever you come up with I'll love."

"Alright sweetness." They smile up at me.

"Oh that's cute! When'd you come up with that?" I Chuckle.

"Like 5 minutes ago." They shrug and lay back down on my chest.

"Well I love it." I admitted.

We were just joking. Right? I liked kissing their hand and their head. I liked spending time with them. Do I... Like them? No...

———(y/n)'s POV:———
I smile against his chest. I liked being around him. I enjoyed his company a lot. Maybe a little too much? No, no this was a healthy amount to like a friend. Right?

I push up off of his chest and look at him. "Do you wanna go out and get food or something?" I stare and wait for an answer.

"Sure, sounds nice." He smiled

"Great," I smile back as i get off of him, "Where do you wanna go?" I look back careful not to step on Cash.

"There's a Café just down the street from here, a couple blocks if i remember correctly." He suggests.

"Sounds cute, let's go there." I smile and walk over to my shoes that were placed parallel on the floor next to the front door. I slip them on and walk back over to the sofa where the blonde is now sitting instead of laying. I nudge Cash with my foot lightly so he moves aside to let Clay up.

"Well come on, We don't have all day!" I rush him.

"Yeah! Yeah. I'm coming..." He stares at me as he stands. He's taller than me now. I forgot how damn tall this fucker is.

He slips on his shoes and nods at me. Within a few seconds, we're out of the apartment heading for the quaint little Café he suggested. Does this count as a date?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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