Chapter 18

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"Kee it's to much for me to be telling you right now. You already in labor and I don't want to upset you because it's a lot"

"Just tell me"

"So I used to be a hooker before we met but it wasn't my choice though. My mom kicked me out the house when I started dating this boy that wasn't really the person she wanted me to talk to. He made me sell myself until I ran away from him. I tried to go back home but I couldn't so I started stripping for a living. I was doing it for a while until my pimp found me again and he told me he wanted to take care of me and he didn't want me doing that no more so that why I stopped working after you got there and because I was pregnant. I was with him and not as a pimp and a h*e but we were together and we would have sex a lot but then he would never use a condom so I started taking the pills. He got mad at me about it...", I had to stop because I started getting emotional.

"About what?...Pookie finish"

"He got mad at me about it and so I tried other ways of birth control but when he found out he beat me and then raped me. Now I know you can figure out who my pimp was"

"Why the fvck didn't you tell me all this before?!?!?!", she was having another contraction and so she started squeezing the stick again and when it was over she looked at me like she was waiting for an answer.

"Because this is something I couldn't talk about okay. It's hard for me to talk about, it was hard and I didn't want to relive what I went through and the secret I had to keep and if you tell him about it he's going to do so much harm to me and he won't care. He made that clear, very clear. I can't leave to your place or any pace because he'll fine me, I did that when we were in Philly but I came here to get away from him. That how I ended up here thinking he wouldn't find me but he did. I left out the country for 6 months and he found me there to. Pic can't hide so just please don't bring it up"

"I'm not gone say shyt, you already know that, but I'm mad as hell Pookie and now you know how I felt telling you I was being raped"

"Thanks and I always knew how you felt but Marcus is crazy. Kee I've been scared to leave him and that's why I never did but now I don't care, he's not going to do anything since I've given him 3 babies with another on the way"

"Pookie it's okay you don't have to go back to him anymore"

"I know but I love him Kee. He's the first boy I really loved and I knew no matter what we went through or how many times we broke up I'd always love him and that would never change. I hate that though, I've tried to stop loving him and I've tried to even somehow hate him but what he says and when he tells me how he feel I just can't be mad and I just fall right back under that trap every time. How am I supposed to get over him with all the pain he's caused to me? Staying strong and trying not to go back to him when I see him is hard, I just want to love him and him to love me back without hurting me"


I woke up this morning with the mind set of getting work done and just chilling.

I got up, got dress, kissed Kee forehead and hopped in the car riding off. When I got to the trap everybody who was suppose to be there was there. When Marcus or his brother Paco not here I'm in charge.

I don't be doing nothing like that I just be chilling forreal. I went to my office and rolled me a blunt. My mans Quan came in and sat in the chair across from me.

"Wssp nicca"

"Wssp Quan, watchu been up too??"

"Nun man. I'm tired as shyt" he said rolling himself a blunt.

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