Chapter 38

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Yanna's POV"

I'm half African American and Trinidadian. I'm 5'4 and darkskin, I have hazel eyes and thick all round. I stay with my hair done and ain't nothing to be played with

I been through some shyt in my life and didn't want my kids to go through similar problems but they did anyway.

I'm Kee and Marcus mom. They not the only two kids but y'all know more about them. Me and Pop actually had 6 kids. Shamir, Chanel, Marcus, Angie, Darri and Kee. Just in that order.

Shamir died a couple years ago and that broke Kee and Angie to death. The three of them were the closest and Shamir always helped them with everything they went through.

It was even worse for Kee because Shamir died right after she went through something with Paco.

I'm not proud of what my kids do and got into but I accept their living arrangements. These kids really been through a lot growing up.

They've seen me at my worse and at my best. They cried for me when I had to stay strong for them. Our family just needs a break.

Pop and I have been through hell and back as a couple. Shyt what we went through was uncalled for but we got through it for the most part.

We have two houses, one in Philly and one in Atlanta. I want to be close to my grandkids that's whyy you got the house in Atlanta.

Philly is where we from and we always gone be here.

But anyway we just got back to Philly a few days ago because my sister sick and Pop had some work to handle.

We were chilling when I called Paco. I know all about him and Kee little relationship and that he the father of her kids. Others just dont know but I know.

I been trying to get in touch with my babygirl all day and she not answering my calls or replying back to my text. I know she would like to know that her Aunt Rasheedah is real sick.

I'm so scared, last time this happened she was locked up and I didn't know. I even called Marcus and he ain't answer either. I don't wanna bother Debbie because I know she already going through a lot. She like my own daughter too, I love that girl.

I finally got an answer when I called Paco. Paco is like a son to me, we practically raised that boy. Back then when the kids were little a lot was going on.

He told me that Kee got shot and that she in the hospital and it don't look good. That hurt me to the core, because I can't lose my babygirl. I can't bare to lose another child before me.

I yelled and told Pop to pack our things because we on the next flight out. I fvcking hope my babygirl pull through. She been through and conquered to much to just give up, not now.

Marcus' POV

Mane this whole day got me fvcked up. First off my baby sister in the hospital because she got shot. When I heard that so many emotions went through my fvcking body.

I can't stand to lose her. I almost lost her before I can't go through all that again. We not talking but I still love my sister to death. I know I said and did some messed up shyt but if she ever truly be done with me I don't know what imma do.

Fvck mane!! I told Kee that after Mir died I would always be there to protect her through everything. I told her that I would never let nothing bad happen to her. So much happened during our childhood and I just wanna be there for her as much as possible because she went through more than the rest of us.

I was scared as shyt when the doctor told me I couldn't give blood to her. There was only one thing that kept popping up in my head. I thought he was going to tell me that I had HIV or something. If I would've heard that I would've whooped Niah's ass with everything in me.

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