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The sun was seeping through my curtains as I slowly opened my eyes. I heard lots of noise coming from downstairs but I chose not to worry about it, I only had one thing on my mind, last night

The night before was Antonio's gift ceremony. My family and I had gone to help prepare, as we are very close friends of the Madrigals. I was the closest to Camilo, we were the same age but he was a few months older. He always made fun of me for it. 

Isabella was like an older sister to me. When I wasn't making jokes and causing trouble with Camilo, I was talking to Isabella about boys, or anything else we could think of. I trusted her with everything and she always gave the best advice. I was a little scarred of Abuela, but I knew she liked me so I wasn't in a bad place. 

At the party, Camilo had been acting a little weird so I mostly talked to Isabella. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I would walked up to him a few times and asked if he was ok, but he'd just give a small "ya" and walk away. This wasn't like him at all. 

During the ceremony I made eye contact multiples times but would look away as soon as he saw me. I could still feel his eyes on me. Those hazel eyes got me every time. Eyes that seemed like they looked straight into your soul. His piercing stare could make you fall in a second. But I could never. Not for Camilo. My best friend? 

The party continued after Antonio received his gift with music and dancing, family pictures and food, talking and a kiss? My family had status around Encanto, the kind that made  me worthy of being a suitor for one of the Madrigals in Abeula's eyes. I would never think of myself as the kind to be with one of them, they were practically family. However, it almost seemed arranged already. You could see it in my padres faces when they saw me talk with Camilo. 

I tried and tried to convince myself there was nothing but everything started to feel different that night. I kept getting lost in those brownish-green eyes and couldn't stop looking around to see if he was near, in more than just a friendly way.

Pepa came up to me later asking if I had seen Camilo anywhere.

"No... he hasn't really talked to me all day I was starting to wonder if something was wrong."

"That boy" she muttered, a thunder cloud starting to form "That is no way to treat you mi amour I'm sorry I will make sure he apologizes as soon as I find him"

"Its completely fine Tía Pepa, I'm sure there is a good reason, I'll look for him"

And with that I walked out of Antonios room. It was a good excuse to get away I had been starting to get annoyed with all the noise anyways.

I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and turned around suddenly.

"Hi, I was wondering if you knew a y/n Moreno?"

I looked up to a tall, older looking man. I almost responded when I realized,

"Hi Camilo," I said rolling my eyes, "Your mamá is looking for you, you know."

"Oh I know, I wanted to see you first. I felt bad I had been ignoring you I was just worried you'd be mad at me," he whispered turning back into himself.

"Why would I ever be mad at you?" I said looking into his eyes. I could never be mad at him when he looked at me like that.

"For this y/n"

Placing his hands on my cheeks, Camilo leaned in, softly brushing my lips with his. It felt nice for a moment, until I came to my senses.  This could't be real. He couldn't like me this way. I couldn't like him this way. I stepped back and looked at him for a second.

"I'm sorr-" he started, but he was cut off by the nearing yells of his mother.

"Camilo come here now mi vida, we are giving Antonio his present. Oh where are you?"

Turning around Camilo vanished into the large cluster of people. 

I stood in shock. I could not comprehend what had just happened. Not even the next morning did I fully take in all that had happened.

The Never Love~~ Camilo Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now