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Hi guys haha I came to a fun almost realization while watching Encanto and just wanted to share. So in the beginning, Mirabel foreshadows Antonio's gift by saying he was an animal guy. So my thought is how the other characters gifts were foreshadowed. I think Camilo was a trickster and like to pull pranks while Dolores was very quiet and enjoyed listening to kids talk but didn't say much (I think she'd also be a great listener to your problems). Isabela I think was fascinated with princesses and makeup and like dressing up while Luisa liked to play tag and other sport type of games with the kids around the town. Maybe y'all have already thought about this but it made me happy to think through.


::Camilo's POV::

I noticed her drift off to sleep. I closed my eyes and was soothed by the rhythm of her breathing. I heard Tía Julieta call out that lunch was ready. I heard my stomach twist, I realized how hungry I had become. I moved Y/n off me onto the bed and pulled the covers up over her. I didn't want to wake her.

I snuck out of my room and closed my door softly. I turned to find I was face to face with Isabela.

"Ah," I yelled shapeshifting into her then back again.

"Where's Y/n," she asked.

"Asleep. I didn't want to wake her up."

"Oh I see," she said spectacle, "what else did you do in there?"

"What," I yelled "nothing!"

I looked across the loft to see Dolores smirking. She knew what she was doing.  She hummed and ran downstairs. That little...

"Well I'm hungry," I said and pushed past Isabela.

I hurried downstairs. I didn't need anyone else coming and bothering me about Y/n. I was going to grab my empanada and bring up extra for Y/n when she woke up, but Abuela stopped me.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" She asked. "Sit, sit and eat with us."

Great. Just great. I could tell things would only get worse from here.

I sat down and tried to eat fast so I could get back upstairs.

"Where's Y/n?" mi mamá asked.

"Asleep," said Isabela with a grin.

"I didn't want to wake her up," I said softly.

"That's so sweet, isn't it Félix look at what a gentlemen we've raised." my mom said clasping her hands together and a rainbow appearing over her head.

"Mamí!" I exclaimed. She could be so embarrassing.

"So Camilo-" Tía Julieta began, "are you guys together?"

I stuffed my face with empanadas. I didn't need everyone in on my business.

"Oh the Morenos and the Madrigals, that would be great for the Encanto!" Abuela declared.

"So Camilo? Are you guys official?" Isabela asked me. 

I glared at her. I love mi familia very much, but sometimes I can't stand them.

"I guess. Yes." I mumbled with my mouth full hoping no one would hear.

"He said yes!" Dolores said.

Shit. Of course she heard. So much for having any privacy. I still wasn't sure if thats what Y/n wanted, but now that my family knew, well...

"Oh mi vida I'm so proud of you," Abeula exclaimed.

"You are becoming a grown man," mi papá said.

"No puede ser," I said shaking my head.

{no puede ser ~ it can not be}

"You better treat her well mi hijo," my dad advised, "and a tip, she's always right."

"Papá," I said annoyed.

I glared over at Isabela and Dolores and they were giggling while making kissing faces. This couldn't get any worse.

It did.

"I think we need a celebration," Isabela said.

I knew this was pay back for me making fun of her and Mariano.

"I don't think thats necessary," I said starting to worry.

Knowing my familia, they would do it.

"I'm going to bring these up to Y/n," I said grabbing a plate of empanadas.

I ran up the stairs and into my room. I didn't want to imagine what they could possibly be thinking.

I sat down at my desk and looked at Y/n. She looked so pretty and peaceful asleep.

Soon enough she opened her eyes are looked around.

"I'm right here dormilona," I said, "You missed lunch, I didn't want to wake you,"

I walked over and gave her the plate of warm empanadas.

"For you mi hermosa," I said handing them to her.

I could see her face turning red. She was so cute when she blushed.

"How nice of you kind sir," she said sarcastically

"I was just trying to be nice," I huffed.

"I know, I know," she tried to comfort me.

I laid down next to her as she ate the empanada. Her face lit up. Everyone loved mi Tía's food. I wrapped my ams around her waist as she finished eating. She looked up into my eyes. God dhe was gorgeous.

"Let's go outside," I suggested.

I could use the outside air. I also wanted to get out of the house before anything bad happened. Spending time with Y/n was always a plus too.

Y/n nodded. I was happy she agreed.

We went out of my room and down stairs. As we left, we passed Julieta cleaning up from lunch.

"Oh Y/n! Did Camilo bring you your empanada?" She asked.

Pfff of course I did. What do you think? I'm irresponsible? Neverrrrr!

"Yes he did it was amazing Tía Julieta!" Y/n told her, "You'll have to teach me how to make them so good."

"Of course Y/n anytime you want just ask me!"

I pulled Y/n's arm and we walked out of the kitchen. I wanted to get out quickly. I could only imagine what everyone else in the family was doing thanks to Isabela.

"Awww want me all to yourself do you mi amour?" She laughed.

His face turned red.

"n-no, I just want to get outside." I stuttered. Why could I not talk? It's like those eyes she had, you just got lost in them and forgot how to do anything.

She laughed. She had gotten me. It was like an unspoken game we had, trying our hardest to make the other blush.

"Come on Camilo," She said smiling big, "let's go down to the market."

"Whatever you say mi mariposa." I grabbed her hand and kissed the top. We started down the road towards the market.

The Never Love~~ Camilo Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now