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We walked out of his room and Camilo took the flower out of my hair kneeling in front of me.

"For you m'lady" Camilo said with a grin as wide as his face.

Giggling I took the flower.

"Thank you kind sir."

He put his arm around my waist and we made our way downstair to help prepare.


Dinner was going well. I sat next to Camilo and across from Isabela, until,

"Mirabel saw Bruno's vision" a light voice whispered in my ear, "Tell my papá."

I turned to whisper this into Tío Felix's ear, looking at Mirabel. She seemed, off. As the word went down the table, each person had a different, yet similar reaction. Then everything became a commotion, Mariano tried to propose but  Mirabel was jumping around, animals started going crazy and then it started pouring. I didn't know what was happening around me. 

I looked at Camilo who had a worried face. The Guzmáns could not get out fast enough. The proposal was ruined. Poor Isabela. Most of the family followed Abuela out of the house, but Camilo and I stayed.

"Let's go upstairs y/n."

I followed him blindly upstairs still not quite sure what just happened.  We went into his room.

"Are you cold?" he asked noticing I was shivering. "Here let me get you some dry clothes."

I looked down and realized I was soaking wet from Pepa's rain cloud. 

Camilo came back out with what looked like one of Dolores' old dresses. I went and put it on and it was beautiful. 

When I walked out Camilo was laying on his bed staring up at the celling.

"I have an idea" he said "lets go for a walk"

We walked out the Casita and headed for the mountains. There was a pound just outside of the Encanto that Camilo and I used to race to as kids. We would sit up there and swim or talk. 

"Race ya," he yelled shifting into a tall man and sprinting ahead.

"Hey! thats not fair Camilo," I said following behind. 

When I reached the pond there was a blanket spread out with pillows.

"Camilo, did you set this up?"

"Yeah, do you like it?"

I grabbed his hands and pulled him closer.

"I love it," I said bringing my lips up to his.

We laid down on the blanket looking up into the sky, watching the stars. Camilo pointed out the different constellations he saw. 

A butterfly flew by and landed on the grass nearby us. 

"It's so pretty," I said admiring its wings.

"almost as beautiful as you," he said rolling over to face me "My little mariposa."

Softly, he placed a kiss on my cheek and worked his way down my neck. 

"I love you," I muttered in between kisses.

"I know you do" 

Annoyed, I looked at him for a second.

"Oh come on," he said with a smirk "your gonna have to work harder than that to get it out of me."

Running my hands through his hair I pulled him closer to me. I felt safe wrapped in his arms. The warmth and comfort he provided eventually put me to sleep.  

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