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I woke up in Camilo's arms and looked up at him. He was still asleep so I tried to get up without waking him, but felt his ams tighten around me as i moved.

"Just a few more minutes mi mariposa" he said in a sleepy voice.

"Camilo," I began, "We need to get back its morning."


He sat up immediately and helped me up.

"Sorry, Abuela will kill me if she finds out we were gone all night."

"We better get going then," I reassured.

When Camilo and I got back, the Madrigals were setting up for breakfast. No one had noticed we were gone. 

"Mamá," Camilo said "Can Y/n stay for breakfast?"

"Of course she can," Pepa said walking over to me and messing with my hair, "she is always welcome." 

A rainbow appeared over her head, and it made me happy to know that she liked me. No one except Camilo and me knew about what had gone on between us, and I didn't know when they would.

I was starting to wonder if this was even real. Camilo and I were best friends, not lovers. But something in me wanted more than that. I couldn't help but want to spend every second in his arms being comforted by him or looking into his deep, hazel eyes.

I snapped back to reality when Camilo took my hand and led me to the table.

He pulled out my chair and gestured for me to sit.

"What a gentlemen," I joked.

"Anything for you mi amour," he whispered in my ear with a smirk.

I felt my face turn hot. I was blushing. No. This is not what I wanted. Not in front of his entire family. 

I hoped no one noticed but I looked at Camilo and he was smirking.

God, how much I hated his smirk. But I was in love with it at the same time.

I looked over at Isabela. She was looking at Camilo smiling. Did she know? Oh no. 

Camilo put his hand on my thigh and I glared at him out of the corner of my eye. 

His smirk widened. 

Breakfast was delicious, made by Julieta as usual. However towards the end, Mirabel started acting weird, like something was bothering her. That was kind of classic Mirabel though. Isa never really like Mirabel so I did not spend a lot of time with her. 

Abuela kept glaring at Mirabel and I couln't help but feel bad, especially after what happened the night before at the proposal. Then the house started to rumble and cracks started appearing in the walls.  I looked to Dolores, who was covering her ears. Catching Camilo, off guard, he started shape shifting into a bunch of different people, including me. A storm cloud started to form above Pepa.

"Not again," I thought to myself.

Mirabel stands up and sprints out of the kitchen. The cracks begin to stop and everyone starts to get up. I hug Camilo and go with Isabel to her room. I wanted to see what she knew.

After a short interrogation all she told me is she thought we would be cute. I was relieved but didn't know if I should tell her. I tell her everything. But I felt like now wasn't the right time.

I got up and left her room looking to find Camilo. Pepa's door was cracked open and I heard his voice come through. 

I walked over and looked inside.

"It's ok mamí," Camilo said giving his mom a cup of tea, "deep breath in deep breath ou-"

The wall behind Pepa pounded and the little cloud above hit Camilo with a lightning bolt. 

"Ah," he yelped shapeshifting once more into a bunch of people, hitting the dresser behind him and spilling coffee on himself.

I giggled. He was so cute trying to take care of his mom, and the rest was just flat out funny. He must of heard me because he looked at the door and had a look of embarrassment on his face.

He walked out of the room and punched me on the shoulder.

"What was that for?" I asked, "I thought it was cute the way you took care of your mom."

He blushed and was embarrassed. I grabbed his yellow poncho and pulled him in to face me, observing every little freckle on his face, almost trying to memorize where each one was. He looked at me like there was nothing else in the world. 

I let go of him and started walking away.

"What was that?" Camilo asked grabbing my arm and spinning me back around.

"Oh nothing," I said with sarcasm.

I could tell that annoyed him. He pulled me in closer to where I could feel his warm breath on my neck. 

"Two can play that game Moreno," He said and turned around and walked back to his room. 

Ugh he's so annoying sometimes. I followed him in and pushed him onto the floor. Before I knew it, he had pulled me on top of him and was kissing me.

 I ran my hands through his hair and softly placed my lips on his. Slowly, I felt his tongue make his way to my lips and I followed. We rolled over on the floor, pulling each other closer. He kept kissing me down my neck and all over until there was a knock at the door.

He immediately stood up and offered a hand to help me up. He wiped some dirt off my dress right as Dolores opened the door.


Hey guys I know in the movie this happened earlier but I kinda forgot abt it but really wanted to include it in the story so ya lols

Anyways hope you are enjoying it so far if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments 

Thank you so much for reading this far and I can't wait to keep writing for y'all

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