Hoodie Thief

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This is one of my new headcanons, I think whenever Pico takes his hoodie or sweater off and isn't paying attention Ben wears it and Pico just be like where the hell did I put it. And Ben hides and giggles to himself though Pico always finds him.

It was a late night, they were snuggled up on the couch cuddling, suddenly Pico yawned.
"Hey you yawned first, looks like I won't be the first one to go to sleep." Ben giggled.
"Maybe, maybe not-"
"Hmm...oh, good night."
Ben kissed his forehead, suddenly he had a brilliant idea. He slowly got up making sure not to wake Pico up, he went to their bedroom and grabbed Picos hoodie off the bed and put it on.
"It smells good...ah I sound weird..." Ben chuckled to himself, he hid inside the closet.
"I'm gonna hide here all night *YAWN* I'll just close my eyes for a bit..."

Ben fell asleep comfortable with Picos cozy hoodie, then morning came. Pico woke up.

"Morning Softie- huh... maybe he's in bed."
Pico checked the bedroom and saw he wasn't in bed.
"Hey Softie are you here?"
Ben woke up from Picos yelling.
"Ah it's morning?!" Ben whispered, he looked out the crack of the closet and saw Pico leave the room.
He slowly opened the closet and came out, he walked next to the door and saw Pico looking for him. Ben accidentally giggled and covered his mouth but it was too late.
"Blue are you hiding?"
Ben hid under the bed trying to keep quiet.
"Hmm guess he isn't in here." Pico said, Ben thought he left until he felt his feet get pulled from under the bed.
"Were you playing hide and seek?" Pico chuckled.
"Uh- um..."
"Are you wearing my hoodie?" Pico crouched down next to him and Ben sat on his knees.
"Maybe..." Ben put the hood over his head and pulled the drawstrings to cover his red face.
"Aw your adorable, I'm gonna be right back." Pico walked away and came back with his phone and took a picture of him.
"Definitely setting this as my wallpaper." Pico smirked.
"N-No please don't!" Ben let go of the drawstrings a little too show his face.
"Why not?"
"I-Its too embarrassing."
"Please softie?"
"I'm sure I can convince you..." Pico grinned maliciously making Ben gulp.
"W-What are you going to do?" Ben asked nervously.
"You'll see." Pico got closer.
"P-Pico w-wait- ah!" Pico started tickling Ben making him laugh.
"O-Ok you win- P-Pico!"
Pico kept tickling him.
"I-I said you win!" Ben struggled to get out from laughing. Pico stopped.
"I know, I just love seeing you laugh it's so cute."
"I'm not cute- ack!"
"I won't let you finish that, you're super adorable." Pico went back to tickling Ben, he tried to tell Pico he won but accidentally let out a adorable moan making Pico stop and they both turned red.
"Ah- I-Im sorry..."
Pico grabbed his phone.
"Could you... possibly do it again?"
"Huh why?"
"I wanna use it as my ringtone."
"B-but that's embarrassing, I didn't even mean to do that..." Ben turned his head getting even more red.
"Oh. So all I have to do is make you laugh again and you'll do it?" Pico smirked.
"M-maybe- wait..." Ben turned his head back to Pico pouting.
"Baby blue..."

Pico got a new ringtone and wallpaper and Ben was a flustered mess. They were sitting on the couch, Ben was hiding in Picos hoodie because of what happened.

"You know, you look cute with my hoodie on."
Ben took the hood off and layed his head on Picos lap and hugged his waist.
"I love you..." Ben lifted his head up for a little and hid his face in Picos shirt.
"I love you too B." Pico chuckled as he played with Bens hair.

🦈Hey so I have something important to say. I don't have any ideas for Amusement Park Date and My Little Painter so those two stories will be on hiatus until I can get ideas, I'm sorry if you were looking forward to it. But I'll still be working on the oneshots and The Burger Boys Adventures, mostly the oneshots. I hope you enjoyed, also the arts by Heartstrings173🦈

ω๏я∂ ¢๏µи†: 731

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